First Poll on 50th CD
Update: The link to both the Democrat and Republican surveys in the 50th is here.
Leave it to team Furlong/Babcock at Datamar to be running numbers at this point:
Republican Voters Not Wild Yet About Any One Republican Candidate
For Every Republican Candidate in the Candidates-crowded April 11th 50th Congressional Special "Mixed" Primary Election the Combined "Neither favorable or unfavorable" (neutral) and "Unfamiliar with the name" responses Far Exceed the Combined "Favorable" and "Unfavorable" responses San Diego – In the poll released today by Datamar Inc. regarding Republican candidates in the mixed-parties 50th Congressional Special Election to be held April 11th, the combined "Unfamiliar with the name" and "Neither favorable or unfavorable" (neutral) responses exceed the combined "Favorable"… Read More