UCLA is ACLU scrambled
Conservative UCLAstudents used to say that UCLA is just ACLU scrambled.
I have to confess that I love UCLA. I enjoyed my years there. I was in student government there. I met FR Publisher Jon Fleischman, who while not a UCLA student came to campaign for me. I wrote a column for the Daily Bruinthat had someone spell check and editit for me. It was great.
I actuallyliked the Rose Bowl outcome.
However, I remember walking into the first day of a history class and having the Professor tell us he would approach this history class from a Marxist perspective. And believe it or not I was happy!Why? At least, I had an honest professor.Needless to say, many times you would find out too late that the Professor you had tolerated hate towards America andwas intolerant tostudents that didn’t hate America.
Andrew Jones from the Bruin Alumni Associationanother UCLA grad has launched a web site called UCLAProfs.com.. I do need to disclose that he asked me to be on the advisory boardalong with much more worthy… Read More