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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Targeting those who lobby missed the point – Delegation has NOT endorsed Bilbray

Every once in a while, a column comes along that really moves you – or causes you to think about something in a totally different way. Today’s Golden Pen Award winner is famed economist Walter Williams. Williams really gets to the core of the problem in Washington, D.C. — and it is not the lobbyists. Yeah, what Jack Abramoff did was wrong, but the solution to stopping this problem does not lie with ‘reforms aimed at lobbyists’ – but rather an introspective look by Congress at itself.

Williams, in part, writes:

Why do corporations, unions and other interest groups fork over millions of dollars to the campaign coffers of politicians? Is it because these groups are extraordinarily civic-minded Americans who have a deep interest in congressmen doing their jobs of upholding and defending the U.S. Constitution? Might it be that these groups and theirRead More

Jennifer Nelson

There’s a New Marshal in Town

Chris Magnus just moved from Fargo, North Dakota to the East Bay city of Richmond. Magnus is not relocating for some cushy, high-tech executive job–he’s agreed to become the City of Richmond‘s new police chief. Richmond‘s new top cop, who started his first day on the job yesterday, jumps from the nation’s 12th safest city to California‘s most lethal city. (Last year, Richmond had 40 homicides, more per capita than any other city in the state.)

Magnus is taking on an enormous job.Read More

Mike Spence

“First Impressions” of AG Candidate Pierre Prosper

I had the opportunity to sit down for lunch inPasadenawith a new face in California politics, Attorney General candidate Pierre Prosper.

I do need to point out that have not endorsed a candidate. I’m waiting for the results of the CRA Endorsing Convention and that I respect Prosper’s opponent Sen. Chuck Poochigian very much. But, I wouldn’t pass up this opportunity to see what Prosper was all about.

I won’t recount his entire bio. You can read it story of his family coming from Haiti (clearly a good move) and his rise from LA County Assistant District Attorney to War Crimes prosecutor and Ambassador at his website.

I did ask him about his role in the War on Terror and some of the controversial aspects of the Bush Administration policy. Prosper explained that the Bush Administration took steps based on "first Impressions". Meaning that this kind of war… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Brown Failed in Oakland –Doesn’t Deserve AG

Oakland will elect a new mayor this year as our current mayor, Jerry Brown, seeks to follow Bill Lockyer into the Attorney General’s office.

Brown gave a fairly boring State of the City speech yesterday which focused mostly on the new development in the city.

"There has been in the past six years a tremendous business investment in Oakland," Brown told the City Council. "There has been a tremendous vote of private capital in the future of Oakland."

Its true-there has been more business investment in the city while Brown was governor. In the past,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Join me in welcoming a new contributor – Amy Thoma!

Starting today, I am pleased to announce that we are adding a new member of the FlashReport Weblog cast of characters — Amy Thoma — who will be our new Central Coast correspondent!

Amy is currently the Executive Director of the Monterey County GOP, and involved a with a lot of grassroots Republican activities. A graduate of the University of California at Los Angeles, Amy will bring a lot to the table.

Her beat will be from Santa Cruz down to Ventura County – a wide swath. Any FR readers are welcome to reach out to her!

We’ll be looking for great, insightful new and analysis from Amy!


Jon… Read More

Mike Spence

The 710 Freeway and Arnold’s Bond

If you haven ever driven North on the 710 (Long Beach Freeway) you will find that find that is stops at Valley Blvd in Alhambra. You have toexit. For over forty years the residents of South Pasadena have stopped completion of the 710 through Pasadenaby filinglawsuits, declaring homes as historic landmarks and punishing local politicians. Neighboring cities and business interests don’t like that fact. However, the intensity is on South Pasadena’s side. You can see a good quick rundown on that history here.

In an attempt to get around this problem, my buddy Gil Cedillo has introduced legislation to build a tunnel. You can my FR post on that here.

Now the supporters of finishing the freeway are trying to get a piece of Arnold’s $222 billion. See full story here.

These kinds of localfights will happen all over California. If the 710is included South Pasadena… Read More

Jason Cabel Roe

DeLay likely to get Cunningham Approps spot

Congressman Jerry Lewis, chairman of the powerful Appropriations Committee, favored fellow Californian Ken Calvert to take the vacancy left by Duke Cunningham’s resignation months ago on his committee. However, former Majority Leader Tom DeLay is poised to claim that plum assignment. DeLay, a member of the committee, had taken a leave in order to allow more room for other GOPers to get on the committee. With his responsibilities as Majority Leader, he wouldn’t have been a very active member anyway. Now, looking to find new power bases, DeLay will return.

One of the primary motivations of DeLay’s return is NASA. Johnson Space Center is one of DeLay’s constituents and he is passionate about the space program. This committee would give him oversight on NASA funding.… Read More

Harkey Continues Momentum

The 35th Senate District is set for a Special Election on April 11th. Diane Harkey is moving fast and hard toward a win.

You don’t have to take my word for it, Alicia Robinson is the political reporter at the Daily Pilot, the Newport Beach/Costa Mesa paper. She writes, "But while Dana Point City Councilwoman Diane Harkey has been showing her face at various city council meetings and racking up big-name endorsements, Huntington Beach Assemblyman Tom Harman’s campaign seems to be missing in action."

Harman’s response: "Right now I’d say it’s kind of the lull before the storm," With the election just 13 potentially unlucky weeks away, there is no lull. There is constant motion and non-stop fund raising.

Harkey, a Dana Point city councilwoman and super-successful businesswoman has already ponied up six-figures of her own money and pledged more as needed. She has also been Read More