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Jon Fleischman

Arnold’s a good person – Bill Leonard says it all: dump the bonds!

What a difference two months make. The FlashReport has been around for almost five years now (only recently as a website) — I’ve been publishing consistently since Arnold Schwarzenegger splashed onto the political scene. First with his ballot measure, Proposition 49, where he promoted after school programs, and right on through to his campaign for Governor, his pledge to review and reform the way state government works, his drive to pass reforms in a special election after they were rejected by the legislature, and into this year. If you are a regular reader of the FlashReport, you would have to notice the distinct change in rhetoric lately. Especially since I would routinely get e-mails until two months ago asking why this site was a ‘propaganda machine’ for the Governor. The change in my commentaries about the Governor’s proposals… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Arnold’s a good person – Bill Leonard says it all: dump the bonds!

What a difference two months make. The FlashReport has been around for almost five years now (only recently as a website) — I’ve been publishing consistently since Arnold Schwarzenegger splashed onto the political scene. First with his ballot measure, Proposition 49, where he promoted after school programs, and right on through to his campaign for Governor, his pledge to review and reform the way state government works, his drive to pass reforms in a special election after they were rejected by the legislature, and into this year. If you are a regular reader of the FlashReport, you would have to notice the distinct change in rhetoric lately. Especially since I would routinely get e-mails until two months ago asking why this site was a ‘propaganda machine’ for the Governor. The change in my commentaries about the Governor’s proposals… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Rep. Jerry Lewis: “It is absolutely and unequivocally false…”

On the main page of the FR today, we linked to this USA Today major story focusing on the relationship between Congressman Jerry Lewis (R-Redlands), Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, and a hedge fund named Cerberus, which raised substantial money for Lewis, and who has also benefitted from a major $1.6 billion dollar project. Congressional Quarterly carried this response to the story from Congressman Lewis:

Lewis Denies Discussing Contract With Donors House Appropriations: Chairman Jerry Lewis, R-Calif., today said neither he nor any members of his staff had discussed a defense funding allocation with representatives of a defense contractor or a hedge fund that hosted a fundraiser for Lewis’ leadership … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Lungren wants to ‘throw in the Scrabble tiles’

I remember from playing Scrabble that instead of playing a tile on your turn, you can instead throw ‘back’ all of your tiles, and pick new ones from the bag of unused tiles – a fresh start so to speak. That seems to be what is being advocated by first-term (this go-around) Congressman Dan Lungren (R-Sacramento – pictured to the right). He is advocating that all of the House leadership positions come up for a new vote — right now there is a pitched battle taking place as to who will replace Tom DeLay as the Majority Leader (#2 ranked position, behind the Speaker). This race, though, is touching off two off other races as one of the candidates for leader is currently the GOP Whip (#3),… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Targeting those who lobby missed the point – Delegation has NOT endorsed Bilbray

Every once in a while, a column comes along that really moves you – or causes you to think about something in a totally different way. Today’s Golden Pen Award winner is famed economist Walter Williams. Williams really gets to the core of the problem in Washington, D.C. — and it is not the lobbyists. Yeah, what Jack Abramoff did was wrong, but the solution to stopping this problem does not lie with ‘reforms aimed at lobbyists’ – but rather an introspective look by Congress at itself.

Williams, in part, writes:

Why do corporations, unions and other interest groups fork over millions of dollars to the campaign coffers of politicians? Is it because these groups are extraordinarily civic-minded Americans who have a deep interest in congressmen doing their jobs of upholding and defending the U.S. Constitution? Might it be that these groups and theirRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Targeting those who lobby missed the point – Delegation has NOT endorsed Bilbray

Every once in a while, a column comes along that really moves you – or causes you to think about something in a totally different way. Today’s Golden Pen Award winner is famed economist Walter Williams. Williams really gets to the core of the problem in Washington, D.C. — and it is not the lobbyists. Yeah, what Jack Abramoff did was wrong, but the solution to stopping this problem does not lie with ‘reforms aimed at lobbyists’ – but rather an introspective look by Congress at itself.

Williams, in part, writes:

Why do corporations, unions and other interest groups fork over millions of dollars to the campaign coffers of politicians? Is it because these groups are extraordinarily civic-minded Americans who have a deep interest in congressmen doing their jobs of upholding and defending the U.S. Constitution? Might it be that these groups and theirRead More

Jennifer Nelson

There’s a New Marshal in Town

Chris Magnus just moved from Fargo, North Dakota to the East Bay city of Richmond. Magnus is not relocating for some cushy, high-tech executive job–he’s agreed to become the City of Richmond‘s new police chief. Richmond‘s new top cop, who started his first day on the job yesterday, jumps from the nation’s 12th safest city to California‘s most lethal city. (Last year, Richmond had 40 homicides, more per capita than any other city in the state.)

Magnus is taking on an enormous job.Read More

Mike Spence

“First Impressions” of AG Candidate Pierre Prosper

I had the opportunity to sit down for lunch inPasadenawith a new face in California politics, Attorney General candidate Pierre Prosper.

I do need to point out that have not endorsed a candidate. I’m waiting for the results of the CRA Endorsing Convention and that I respect Prosper’s opponent Sen. Chuck Poochigian very much. But, I wouldn’t pass up this opportunity to see what Prosper was all about.

I won’t recount his entire bio. You can read it story of his family coming from Haiti (clearly a good move) and his rise from LA County Assistant District Attorney to War Crimes prosecutor and Ambassador at his website.

I did ask him about his role in the War on Terror and some of the controversial aspects of the Bush Administration policy. Prosper explained that the Bush Administration took steps based on "first Impressions". Meaning that this kind of war… Read More