OC Sheriff attracts crazies, runs strong
People in positions of power inevitably attract the ‘crazies’ people who 1) have a lot of time on their hands, 2) passionately believe in something, however misguided their belief is, and 3) take action to show the world how crazy they are.
Well our own Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona is no different from any other high profile elected official. Last week the crazies came out to protest him. It wasn’t clear why they were protesting although the wife of a candidate who is opposing the sheriff was there according to the Orange County Register.
Outside of that handful of crazies, the rest of Orange County is solidly behind the Sheriff. Illustrating my point: Diane Harkey who is running for 35th Senate District brags about her endorsement from the Sheriff in the same column in today’s OC Register. As Harkey’s pollster you can bet I only advise her to promote endorsements who play well with the voters.
Also on the Carona front, the Register points out he has $340,000+ in the bank. I will let the Carona campaign… Read More