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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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OC Sheriff attracts crazies, runs strong

People in positions of power inevitably attract the ‘crazies’ people who 1) have a lot of time on their hands, 2) passionately believe in something, however misguided their belief is, and 3) take action to show the world how crazy they are.

Well our own Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona is no different from any other high profile elected official. Last week the crazies came out to protest him. It wasn’t clear why they were protesting although the wife of a candidate who is opposing the sheriff was there according to the Orange County Register.

Outside of that handful of crazies, the rest of Orange County is solidly behind the Sheriff. Illustrating my point: Diane Harkey who is running for 35th Senate District brags about her endorsement from the Sheriff in the same column in today’s OC Register. As Harkey’s pollster you can bet I only advise her to promote endorsements who play well with the voters.

Also on the Carona front, the Register points out he has $340,000+ in the bank. I will let the Carona campaign… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

The Governor’s “Rising” Poll Numbers

I’ve been out of commission for a couple of weeks and just now catching up with the news. Last week’s PPIC poll has some in our State wondering if the Governor’s post special election strategy is working, as his approval ratings are inching back up from the lows of last fall.

The answer is: no.

Anecdotally, which is one way of gaining a feel for political winds in the air, we know the Governor has depressed his base horridly, and the chances of recovery are slim to none. This is based on email I receive, conversations in restaurants and social functions, and with my small business peers. Without exception these encounters have been pretty much the same. People around here admire his moxy for making a run at reform for the special election, but are disgusted with his State of the Union proposals. “What the hell is he borrowing all this money for?” is a common question.

Another way of looking at poll numbers is through the prism of recent political history and here my analysis is simple – he’s running unopposed at the moment. He’s active, in the news, proposing policies and there are pictures of him… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Costigan Leaving Gov’s Staff – Rumored to be headed for Ameriquest

A while back, rumors were circulating (though not on this website) about the imminent departure of the Governor’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Legislative Affairs, Richard Costigan. Costigan (pictured to the left with the Governor), a solid Republican who formerly was a legislative go-to guy for the California Chamber of Commerce, has been Arnold’s point man with legislators since his rise to office in the 2003 special election.

The rumors of his departure have returned in ‘full force’ the last couple of days, enough so that, this go-around, it is getting a mention right here on the FlashReport.

Word is that Costigan is going to be departing for a job with Ameriquest Mortage Company. Ameriquest, of course, is a juggernaut in this mortgage lending business, and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Chronicle profiles the FlashReport!

In today’s San Francisco Chronicle, political writer Carla Marinucci has penned a feature story about the rise of conservative web sites in California politics, and spends a large portion of the article on the FlashReport. While I published the FR as a e-newsletter for years, the last four months that we have been online have really seen a surge in our readership and role in the process. I want to encourage all FR readers to check out Marinucci’s piece, which begins below.

This article coming out is a great time to thank some important folks without whom this all would not be happenned: First and foremost I want to thank our site contributors on the Weblog — this is a dedicated group of connected California politicos who DONATE their time to keep you all ‘in the loop’ in every corner of the state, in our state and federal capitols. I would also like to thank the dozens of prominent folks who pen the great columns that you read featured on this site. I’d like to give a ‘shout out’ to my development team at Cloudspace, for working diligently with me to custom-design the FlashReport.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Chronicle profiles the FlashReport!

In today’s San Francisco Chronicle, political writer Carla Marinucci has penned a feature story about the rise of conservative web sites in California politics, and spends a large portion of the article on the FlashReport. While I published the FR as a e-newsletter for years, the last four months that we have been online have really seen a surge in our readership and role in the process. I want to encourage all FR readers to check out Marinucci’s piece, which begins below.

This article coming out is a great time to thank some important folks without whom this all would not be happenned: First and foremost I want to thank our site contributors on the Weblog — this is a dedicated group of connected California politicos who DONATE their time to keep you all ‘in the loop’ in every corner of the state, in our state and federal capitols. I would also like to thank the dozens of prominent folks who pen the great columns that you read featured on this site. I’d like to give a ‘shout out’ to my development team at Cloudspace, for working diligently with me to custom-design the FlashReport.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: FR Highlights – Democrat is now Arnold’s Chief Speechwriter…

Today is a very light day for California political news, as you can see on the main page. So it might be a good day for ‘exploring’ the vast depths of the FlashReport website.

First and foremost, I urge you to explore the many websites and blog to which we link. Each of them were selected because they either touch on California politics, or are a personal favorite of mine.

Then here are a few other good places to look on the site.

**There is more – click the link**

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Jon Fleischman

Cindy Sheehan to run against Feinstein?

There has been much angst within the GOP over the fact that Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein is positioned so well in her re-election bid. She has benefited from her party’s voter registration advantage in this state, the power of incumbency, and the fact that there is not a well-financed Republican candidate looking at the race. While my good friend, retired State Senator Dick Mountjoy is revving up the motor for what will be a very grass-roots intensive challenge as a Republican, it will be a tall challenge for him to take out DiFi. Of course, the liberal Feinstein has managed to create a image of moderation, aided by the stridency of her colleague Barbara Boxer. That said, yesterday renowned peace/capitulation activist Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq, issued a statement (from Caracas, Venezuela no less) saying that she is seriously looking at a challenge to Feinstein.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

SF: Hillary v…. Code Pink?

Tonight, New York Senator and former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton is appearing at a fundraising event for the Bar Association of San Francisco at the Nob Hill Masonic Center. Anywhere else than San Francisco or Berkeley, any protesters to a Clinton appearance would be made up of conservatives — Young Americans for Freedom, maybe some pro-life activists, or maybe a taxpayers rights group.

When the assumed candidate for the 2008 Democrat nomination for President speaks in The City, the protests are actually coming from the left. The anti-war/peacenik group Code Pink is staging a demonstration against Clinton.

It really stretches the imagination to try to think of what major political figure could come into San Francisco and… Read More