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Jennifer Nelson

How About If IRELAND Gives an Additional 1% of its Budget to the World’s Poor, Bono?

Does this guy (who is an Irish citizen) even pay US taxes?

Bono pushes to increase aid to poor By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer Thursday, February 2, 2006

WASHINGTON (AP) – Quoting from Islamic, Jewish and Christian texts, rock star Bono called Thursday for the government to give an additional 1 percent of the federal budget to the world’s poor.

Speaking to President Bush and members of Congress at the National Prayer Breakfast, the U2 front man said it’s unjust to keep… Read More

Duane Dichiara

San Diego Sup District 5

Yesterday I got an interesting “don’t quote me” email with some news in the June race for the heavily Republican San Diego County 5th District Supervisorial race between incumbent Bill Horn and former Assemblyman Bruce Thompson. The Horn campaign, as expected, is cash rich with only more to come. On the other hand, if the information I got is accurate, Thompson’s campaign finances are really lacking. My information says the Thompson campaign will show 31k raised and 14k cash on hand. Unless Thompson has a really hefty checkbook, or newly resurgent county labor unions decide to play, this spells real trouble for his campaign. This showing is worse when you consider Thompson has the endorsement of Congressman Issa, State Senator Hollingsworth and some other notable local officials. This sort of support should translate into campaign funds, but apparently hasn’t.… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Breaking News: 50th Congressional

Looks like a new entry in the 50th Congressional… V. Eric Roach of E-Trade fame. Large cable and broadcast buy scheduled to start Monday February 6. I hear he’s a Vietnam vet… but lots of rumors are flying around North San Diego County right now… red hot phones…

[From Mr. Roach has served as a director of Altiris, Inc. since February 2002. Mr. Roach served as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of eLance, a professional services marketplace, from May 2000 to October 2001, and he is currently a member of the board of directors of eLance. Prior to joining eLance, Mr. Roach served from September 1997 to January 2000 as Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer for the Direct Business division of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, an investment bank. Prior to joining Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, Mr. Roach founded Lombard Brokerage, a brokerage company, and served as its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer from May 1992 to September 1997. – Flash]Read More

Barry Jantz

50th Congressional Money Synoposis

This culled from a SDUT graphic. I left the smart allecky "fun facts" in, just for…well…fun, even though most of them are lame….

Brian Bilbray Contributions: * $5,420 Money spent: $14,878 Cash on hand: $190,531 (Bilbray started his campaign with $199,334 from his 2000 campaign.) Fun fact: He paid Escondido Mayor Lori Holt Pfeiler, who considered a run for the seat herself, $2,000 for a poll.

Francine Busby Contributions: $519,606 Money spent: $187,936 Cash on hand: $371,161 Fun fact: After retirees and homemakers, attorney was the most often listed occupation of her contributors.

Richard EarnestContributions: $39,114 Money spent: $38,335 Cash on hand: $200,778 (includes personal loan of $200,000) Fun fact: He paid $5,000 for a polling consultant in December.

Howard Kaloogian Contributions: $170,527 Money spent: $17,418 Cash on hand: $153,108 Fun fact: His first fundraiser with expenses was held in Michigan.

Bill MorrowRead More

Barry Jantz

Candidates for SD County Board of Ed Vacancy

UPDATE: See my analysis of the selection here.

Here is a first blush at those applying by last Friday’s deadline, as well as any web links I can find for them in a very cursory look (party registration in parentheses)….

Eric Kangas, a teacherof 37 years (unknown).

Vickie Butcher, a several-time candidate for El Cajon City Council and former member of the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board, appointed by Gray Davis (Democrat).

Pamela Choice…can’t find anything on her, although she may be a good Choice…do I see a campaign slogan here? (unknown).

John Johnson…way too many JJs on Google (unknown).

Marilyn Kistler…a doctor (Ph.D perhaps?) and a campaign chairperson forthe… Read More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

Boehner’s Committee Could Go to McKeon

John Boehner’s ascent to Majority Leader could mean San Bernardino County gets a third House Chairman: Howard P. "Buck" McKeon (pictured right).This would be in addition to Rules Chairman David Dreier and Appropriations Chairman Jerry Lewis.

Boehner is the current chairman of the Education and Workforce Committee. The post would have come up in ’07 or ’08, but is now open. The current Vice Chair of Education is Tom Petri of Wisconsin, who is the Ranking Member of Transportation and Infrastructure, and who is in line to take over that committee in the next Congress. The Education and Workforce Committee is important because it oversees the Department of Education and the Department of Labor. It will continue to be a key committee because, among other reasons, it will have oversight over "No Child Left Behind" when provisions kick in during 2008 possibly resultingin takeover of failing schools by states, charter schools, or ultimately the federal… Read More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

Bogh Backs Adams; More on the 59th

Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman Russ Bogh (R-Yucaipa) has endorsed Anthony Adams (pictured left) in the 59th Assembly District Republican primary. And by way of further update on the contest for this equally divided L.A. County/San Bernardino County seat, I want to provide some additional thoughts on the heels of Mike Spence’s excellent post yesterday. Read it here. (Mike doesn’t have a dog in this fight. I do — It’s Adams.)

The two candidates with six figures cash-on-hand are Chris Lancaster ($150,000), from LaVerne in L.A. County (pictured right),and Adams ($108,000), from the high desert in San… Read More

67th AD Update: McGill Surprise

The 67th Assembly District campaign has been pretty sleepy with OC Supervisor Jim Silva as the presumed winner. Diane Harman (wife of sitting Assemblyman Tom Harman) is also in the race as is Cypress city councilman Mike McGill.

The OC Blog reports that McGill was the strongest fund raiser this period. This is a big surprise since Silva is a sitting county supervisor with the ability to raise BIG money, but apparently hasn’t.

Silva does have more than double the cash on hand of either one of his opponents.

Silva has excellent name ID having served on the city council in Huntington Beach (the largest city in the District) and now on the Board of Supervisors for more than 10 years. Diane Harman has never stood for office and I have never seen her at anything GOP in Orange County, she is trading largely on her husbands name. McGill has been on the Cypress council since 1998. He gained some notoriety for voting with the majority to, well I will let Steve Greenhut of the OC Register explain:

(from back in June 2002) On Tuesday night, in aRead More