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Jon Fleischman

Hugh Hewitt – More on Rob Reiner – Time to ‘terminate’ Meathead.

On his website today, Hugh Hewitt shares more pearls on the startling revelation that Rob Reiner sits as Chairman of the State Prop. 15 ($$$) Commission solely, at this point, at the discretion of Governor Schwarzenegger, who can terminate Meathead by merely naming a new commissioner to replace Reiner.

I’ve already suggested that Reiner be replaced with Hewitt! Another FR reader has suggested that FR contributor Mike Spence, a local school board member, be named in Reiner’s place. FR READERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO POST THEIR FAVORITE SUGGESTIONS FOR WHO WOULD BETTER SERVE CALIFORNIANS ON THIS COMMISSION THAN ROB REINER!

Here is the beginning of Hugh’s latest, which contains and excerpt from an interview he had on the air with LA TImes political reporter Dan Morain on Reiner. Click through to Hugh’s site to read more.Read More

Jon Fleischman

AppointmentWatch: Gov. appoints strong prosecutor, Republican to San Diego Bench

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced the appointment of Eugenia Eyherabide to a judgeship in the San Diego County Superior Court.

Eyherabide, 46, of San Diego, has been a prosecutor with the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office since 1995. Previously, she was an assistant attorney with the United States Attorney’s Office in the District of Columbia from 1992 to 1995. Eyherabide earned a Juris Doctorate degree from University of Santa Clara School of Law and a Bachelor of Science degree from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. She will fill the vacancy that will be created by the retirement of Judge William Pate effective February 28, 2006. Eyherabide is a Republican.Read More

Jon Fleischman

It’s Official – Reiner has overstayed his welcome by 14 months!

In response to my commentary this morning, where I call on Governor Schwarzenneger to can ultra-liberal Rob Reiner from the state’s Children and Families Commission, one reader suggested that the Governor cannot ‘terminate’ Reiner because he has been appointed to a four year term.

Actually, if you go to page 183 of this document available on the Governor’s webpage, it shows the the Governor gets three appointments to the commission. Reiner was appointed by now-recalled Governor Gray Davis on December 13, 2000. His term expired on December 12, 2004!

So, Rob Reiner, who is Chairman of this important and influential commission, is only there because he has not been replaced (apparently you serve until you are replaced)!

His term is done, and the taxpayers of California can’t afford to have this hold-over from the Davis Administration as chairman of the Children and Families… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A funny observation at the OC Registrar…

I’m not sure how I did it, but in the 2004 primary election, I was chosen by GOP voters in the 70th Assembly District to represent them on the Orange County Central Committee. Even better, our Chairman, Scott Baugh, appointed me to OC GOP’s Executive Committee.

Well, today at lunchtime, I took a trip to the Orange County Registrar of Voters to fill out paperwork and pull my papers to run for re-election – for the first time I get to run as an incumbent!

While I was waiting for the appropriate paperwork to be prepared, I took a gander through the printout on the desk of candidates who have filed for the various offices in the county.

When I turned to the 34th State Senate District, I was not surprised to see on the GOP side that Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher had pulled her papers and paid her filing fee on the 17th. Another candidate, Lupe Moreno, had done the same. But AWOL in the area of pulling papers was GOP Assemblyman Van Tran.

Whether this is because he had not… Read More

Mike Spence

59th Assembly District Race Shakeup

Today the San Gabriel Valley Tribune had an editorial addressing the gerrymandering of the 59th Assembly District and the impact on the race to replace Dennis Mountjoy. See it hereGone unnoticedby the so-calledMSM (Main Stream Media) is the potential candidacy of law enforcement union boss Kevan Otto. Otto took out his papers to run in this district yesterday. His candidacy was first discussed on FR four days ago. See the post here.His candidacy and the possibility of big union money in this race changes the dynamics for both Adams and Lancaster.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Strickland joins in – Calls for Gov to can Reiner – and for audit of books

The furor surrounding Rob Reiner’s continued presence on the State’s Children and Families Commission continues to grow ever since it became common knowledge that Reiner maintains his seat on this commission by virtue of the fact that Governor Schwarzenegger has not appointed a replacement – which he can do at any point.

FR buddy Bill Bradley over at his New West Notes blog (always accessable via the FR Blog Roll above) mentions that he called the Governor’s Press Secretary about Reiner:

Since Reiner’s post is now a political issue, I asked the Governor’s Office about his status as chairman of the state commission, as his term there expired more than a year ago.

Gubernatorial press secretary Margita Thompson’s [pictured] careful statement: “His term expired in 2004. He has subsequently… Read More

Jon Fleischman

SF Supe: US “should not have a military.”

"If the United States didn’t have a military, all in all we would be in a much better place." – San Francisco Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval on Hannity and Colmes.

Former State GOP Communications Director Karen Hanretty appeared last night on Hannity and Colmes to talk about this startling statement from a prominent Bay Area Supervisor. You can click here to see Sandoval’s outrageous comments and hear Karen talk with Hannity and Colmes. (Once you click through, then you need to select the program, "Fighting for the U.S.S. Iowa.")

This Democrat Supervisor was such a nut that on this program, even Susan Estrich, who appears with Hanretty doesn’t want anything to do with him.

This is Sandoval’s… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Phil Kurzner’s departure from the IC race…

Dr. Phil Kurzner has decided to end his quest to become California’s next Insurance Commissioner. During my opportunities to talk with Phil, I found him to be an intelligent, engaging and savvy candidate. While I understand the politics of his departure, I do lament a process that causes some of our better candidates to decide not to run.

Phil’s departure, combined with the very low-key candidacy of Gary Mendoza appears to leave the doors wide open for businessman Steve Poizner from the San Francisco Bay Area.

Here is a statement released today from Dr. Phil Kurzner on his departure from the race:

"I have been humbled by the many Republicans who were willing to join me in bringing common sense back to government. However, we were unable to develop sufficient support to win an election against a self-funded, wealthy candidate. It is importantRead More