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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: GOP Convention – Arnold’s Big Speech

The speech that I want to hear from Governor Schwarzenegger tonight at the GOP convention would have as its central theme a return to fiscal conservatism. It would include an emphasis on infrastructure, with a public adoption of the proposal introduced by EVERY Assembly Republican to finance infrastructure by paying-as-we-go instead of through massive borrowing. The speech would go on to talk about the need to have pension reform, and the importance of finishing what the Governor started, by putting and end to deficit spending in Sacramento. Other highlights of the speech would include his decision to replace Rob Reiner as Chairman of California’s ‘Tobacco Tax Spending Committee’ with attorney Hugh Hewitt, the unveiling of a new Republican Chief of Staff (I’m okay with anyone at this point who is registered as a Republican), a commitment to find and appoint qualified Republican judges to the bench, and an embrace of a statewide measure to fight eminent domain… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold taps Soderland at Press Sec’y for the Re-elect

Over at the SFChron Political Blog, writer Greg Lucas pens a short piece today on Gubernatorial Spokesperson Julie Soderland being named as Press Secretary for the Governor’s re-election campaign.

Lucas’ post begins:

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s press secretary for his re-elect campaign will be Julie Soderlund, a focused and driven mainstay in his gubernatorial press office.

Soderlund, 28, has developed a solid rapport with reporters over the three years she has worked in the governor’s press office, first as an assistant press secretary then as a deputy. Her focus has been on health care, public safety, clemency, prison, immigration and personnel issues.

You can read the rest, including why Julie’s nickname is "thumbs" here.

Since Julie used to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold taps Jim Rogan for Little Hoover Commission

The Little Hoover Commission was created in 1962, and is technically called the "Commission on California State Government Organization and Economy" — it is primary looked at as a quasi-independent body that reviews the actions of state government. It has a staff that conducts audits, studies and the like. Most recently, the Little Hoover Commission played a role in reviewing the Governor’s proposed reorganization of state government last year, recommending its approval before the Democrat-controlled legislature declared the re-org dead on arrival (after the commission gave its recommendation, then it went on to the legislature).

I call the Commission "quasi-independent" because most of its membership is appointed by the Governor or the legislative leaders in the Senate and the Assembly. However, the commission does has strict rules to make sure that no single political party dominates its membership.

There is no doubt that out of the hundreds of state… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Top Ten Reasons Susan Kennedy should come to the State GOP Convention

I was saddened to read on my new friend Bill Bradley’s New West Notes blog that our Republican Governor’s Chief of Staff, Democrat Susan Kennedy, would not be coming with the Governor to the GOP Convention!

The Governor has been taking her along as he has gone to smaller meetings with GOP donors. I had a chance (h/t to FR friend Richard Costigan) to meet Ms. Kennedy briefly following the State of the State Address last year. I found her to be quite charming and funny.

I actually think that it would be a good idea for her to come to the convention tonight. Actually, there are a few good reasons. Enough so that I thought I would give you my list of top reasons:


#10: Delegates would be fascinated, I’m sure, to hear about what it was like to try and defend Gray Davis in the recall – she could give a speech onRead More

Jon Fleischman

Tran pulls papers in SD 34 setting up Tran/Daucher battle

I don’t usually reprint press releases (read: propaganda) verbatim – but since I am scrambling to catch a flight to San Jose, and this release from Van Tran just arrived, I thought I should share the first paragraph since I earlier in the week posted that Lynn Daucher had pulled her nomination papers, but that Tran had not. Looks like we are off to the races.

For those far from Orange County, this is in the race for the GOP nomination for State Senate in the 34th district, where the forced retirement of Democrat Joe Dunn has left a competitive seat, since the GOP has tirelessly registered a ton of new GOPers in this once-safe Dem district.

OK, the blurb:

Popular Orange County Assemblyman Van Tran officially pulled candidate papers today for the open 34th Senate District, while his campaign finance team announced that $250,000 has already been raised for the effort.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Mindy Fletcher named #2 in Gov’s Campaign

Since last year Mindy Tucker Fletcher has been serving in the administration of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and not answering the phones (though that is an important part of any operation). Mindy is Deputy Chief of Staff for External Affairs. From this post, she is the liaison from the Governor to…well…everyone. In this spot, she also oversees the Governor’s field operations around the state. Her predecessor, Cassandra Pye, left big shoes to fill but Mindy has been doing a great job.

Well, the Governor will be looking for a new occupant for this post as it was made known this afternoon that Fletcher has been named Deputy Campaign Manager for the Governor’s re-election effort, sitting second- seat to CM Steve Schmidt.

Fletcher is no stranger to campaigns, having served as Press Secretary in President Bush’s campaign, working with Communications Director Karen Hughes.

I’ve come to know Mindy as a friend, and have high regard for her political acumen and ability. She will be a tremendous asset to the Governor in her new role (as she has been in her current one).

The campaign team is coming together as… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Steve Moore on Rep. Bill Thomas

Lately, one of the subjects of water-cooler conversations has been whether or not Congressman Bill Thomas (R-Bakersfield) will seek another term in the House of Representatives. Thomas has been in the house for decades, and it is often talked about that he is ready to retire. That having been said, it is also frequently talked about that he is persuing a way to continue to have as much say in the next session of Congress, given that the House rules prohibit the moderate GOPer from California from serving beyond this, his third term as Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.

Thomas is a controversial character, who has ruffled a lot of feathers and is disliked by many. That said, he has been in Congress for a long time, and often times it is seniority, not popularity, that decided your fate. Now, though, Thomas may be at a crossroads where he will need friends, and that is not his long suit. On the other hand, he recently chose wisely on the race for House Majority Leader, weighing in at the end, quite publicly, for John Boehner.

So, will he stay or will he go? I don’t know. But here is a recent… Read More

Jon Fleischman

GOP Convention, and Republican Judges

Today’s main page is loaded with a ton of material today, and took an exceptionally long amount of time (I’ve been at it since 6am) to put together. Because of it, I won’t be able to expound long in today’s commentary. THE GOP CONVENTION Tomorrow I will be writing on the State Republican Party Convention, and what I expect to see happen there. If you want a preview, you can see how I artfully got Carla Marinucci to quote me saying "green eggs & ham" in a sentence in her pre-convention piece in the San Francisco Chronicle, which is featured on the main page.

Speaking of the GOP Convention – there are two exciting ways to enhance your participation if you are going, and are a reader of the FlashReport! Both are highlighted on the main page — we are having a great panel discussion featuring many of the contributors you read on the FR Weblog (sign up now, it is almost full), and also I am pleased to thank Congressman Darrell Issa who is throwing a party to celebrate the tremendous… Read More