Can Loretta Be Beat?
Since Rep. Bob Dornan lost to Loretta Sanchez in 1996, Orange County Republicans have searched for a credible candidate to beat Sanchez.
Local Republicans have over the years fronted a list of misfits, retreads and drop-outs who have amounted to nothing. But under the leadership of Republican Party Chairman Scott Baugh, the 47th Congressional District which includs Santa Ana has become competative again fot the GOP (Democrats now outnumber GOP voters by only about 3%).
So 2006 could be a year where the GOP wins or at least make a credible showing. That is if they find a candidate. Enter Rosie Availa, Santa Ana School Board Member. Rosie is a nice lady and principled conservative. But she has little ability to raise money. Tan Nguyen is the other guy in the race. He is best known for running as a DEMOCRAT against Congressman Dana Rohrabacher in 2004. He lost in the Democrat Primary.
Nguyen has all the right answers now. He says the… Read More