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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: GOP message should empower the individual, not glorify the role of government…

In a previous commentary, I went into a lot of detail about unprecedented growth that we have seen in the size and scope of the federal government SINCE Republicans recaptured control of Congress in 1994 — SINCE we replaced Bill Clinton with George W. Bush. The article I have chosen to highlight as the main link on today’s issue of the FlashReport is from the San Francisco Chronicle, and it is titled, "GOP is in a ‘deep funk’ over Bush spending" – and the article is definitely worth a read. A lot of times, I toss away articles from the main stream media (MSM) that try to tell a story of Republicans upset with Republicans, taking it as yet another opportunity for those in the media to divide Republicans. But this article is on point. I know that Republicans are upset and frustrated about ‘comfort’ and ‘enthusiasm’ that our GOP leaders seem to have… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Big Bond Deal Full of PORK

This just came across my e-mail from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association – all FR readers should know that this group is the single most effective organization watching out for the rights of taxpayers in Sacramento. A ‘must read’ memo… (if you want to get their e-mails, subscribe here…) FROM THE HOWARD JARVIS TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION EMERGENCY NOTICE!!! BOND DEAL CHOCK FULL OF PORK!!! PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATOR!!! Read More

Jon Fleischman

The case for “Pay As You Go”

There are discussions taking place right now in Sacramento about how the state is going to pay for infrastructure investment. Assembly Republicans have all come together, unified behind the idea that California does not have an income shortage – but a spending problem. Golden State taxpayers already pay enough to have a lean, effective state government AND a healthy investment of current general fund dollars into basic infrasctructure investment. Assemblyman Bob Huff, a fine conservative, makes the case for pay-as-you-go in this outstanding column, and after reading it, you will agree that any responsible infrastructure plan should have this kind of component…

Solution to fix state infrastructure By Assemblyman Bob Huff

The governor, the Senate and the Assembly are all talking about fixing infrastructure. This isRead More

Jon Fleischman

Ackerman on Bond rejection – Gallegly’s Move – Audra Strickland’s challenger – More…

UPDATE ON BIG BONDS I had a chat with Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman this morning, to talk about last night’s late session to take up the first-pass at passing a general obligation bond package that is a central part of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Strategic Infrastructure Plan. Ackerman (pictured) told me that after a couple of days of very meaningful negotiations and dialogue, Senate Democrats put up a bill that was so untenable to the entire Republican Caucus that they all unanimously voted no. When I asked Ackerman about the dynamics of the vote he said, "All my caucus members had to do was read the proposal and they all voted no." The bond package put up for a vote by Senate President Pro-Tem Don Perata only vaguely resembles the original proposals for an infrastructure plan proposed by Governor Schwarzenegger back in his January State of the State Address. While the Governor has been… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Ackerman on Bond rejection – Gallegly’s Move – Audra Strickland’s challenger – More…

UPDATE ON BIG BONDS I had a chat with Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman this morning, to talk about last night’s late session to take up the first-pass at passing a general obligation bond package that is a central part of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Strategic Infrastructure Plan. Ackerman (pictured) told me that after a couple of days of very meaningful negotiations and dialogue, Senate Democrats put up a bill that was so untenable to the entire Republican Caucus that they all unanimously voted no. When I asked Ackerman about the dynamics of the vote he said, "All my caucus members had to do was read the proposal and they all voted no." The bond package put up for a vote by Senate President Pro-Tem Don Perata only vaguely resembles the original proposals for an infrastructure plan proposed by Governor Schwarzenegger back in his January State of the State Address. While the Governor has been… Read More

Jon Fleischman

David Spade on the bond package?

Well, the actor/comedian isn’t exactly commenting on the Governor’s Infrastructure Bond proposal, but my Assemblyman Chuck DeVore (R-Irvine – pictured)) sure wishes he were (at least as his character as Capitol One Mortgage’s "No Guy") — anyways, Devore has his own website with a blog that he updates from time to time. His post yesterday entitled, A maddening, terrifying, insane look at how Sacramento lurches forward in the quest to indebt our children, is worth a read.

If I can take a moment to editorialize, I’m blessed to be represented by Chuck DeVore. He’s a thoughtful, articulate conservative who really does a fine job. Okay, I’m off my soap-box now.… Read More

Mike Spence

The Other Primary Challenge 36th AD

Most people have focused on Ventura County , because of the idiocy of Elton Gallegly and the primary challenge from Liberal Republican Bob Larkin. Many have over looked the challenge to Sharon Runner from Liberal Republican Jim Ledford who has served as Mayor of Palmdale for like 30 years. No love lost between the Runners and Ledford. See the story here.Assembly Caucus resources will be diverted to help incumbents being challenged. One other thing. Does anyone see the irony that Liberal Republicans that preach we need more women candidates are running males against two women candidates? I guess their sin was their conservatisim.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Photo of the Day

I thought it rather impressive that when Eric Roach, a successful businessman and Republican running in the CD 50 donnybrook turned in his nomination papers, he handed over in excess of 5,000 signatures.… Read More