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Mike Spence

In Hawthorne We Trust

A couple weeks ago I wrote about the efforts of GOP councilwoman Ginny Lambert in the Democratic city of Hawthorne. See it here. The LA Times got around to it today. See that here.

She has now successfully added Hawthorne to list of California Cities that have adopted a display featuring the National Motto "in God We Trust". See it here.This effort started in Bakersfield and has spread. Apparently, many "blue" cities don’t have a problem with these type of cultural issues. GOP take a lesson.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Walters, Weintraub, Postmus – and Stan Ellis?

Today I encourage you to take a few minutes and read the columns of both of today’s Golden Pen award winning pieces — both from veteran political columnists at the Sacramento Bee. Dan Walters pens a piece where he compares the political challenges that face Arnold Schwarzenegger today with those that faces former Governor Pete Wilson back in 1994 when he was running for re-election, facing daunting poll numbers. Wilson was able to flip things around by taking a bold stand with the California electorate on the immigration issue. Walters theorizes that the ability is there for Governor Schwarzenegger to do the same. Walters’ colleague, Dan Weintraub (pictured), formalizes his thoughts, looking back on the attempt by the Governor to put together a massive bond package. He correctly points out the major flaw — which is that the Democrats in the legislature will work to… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego

Update on 50th, or "Rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated"… As a follow up to my post the other day about the rumors floating that Alan Uke has stopped spending his hard earned cash, and that conservatives are encouraging Bill Morrow out so as to not split the vote … I can say confidently that neither are true, just the expected trash floated in a race like this. Uke has no intention of being in this thing any way but big until the end, and — in fact — paid a sizable media buy within the last few days. As for Morrow, when asked about the swirl, hegavea genuine laugh and said, “If I’m being pressured to bow out, nobody’s talked to me yet."

Just WHEN did the U.S. Attorney’s office know about Cunningham?… The San Diego Reader’s Matt Potterhas picked up on the Roll Call story about then-U.S. Attorney Gregory Vega knowing… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Please provide feedback!

Every once in a while, on a ‘slow news day’ like today, I take the opportunity to ask you, my loyal readers, to give me feedback on the website. What do you like? What do you dislike? What else would you like to see? Is there anything (within reason) that we can do to make the site better? Am I missing any links to key California sources of news, or websites or blog? Your input will help to make the FlashReport an even better resource for following the politics of the Golden State.

You can email me, or drop me an anonymous note.

In the meantime, I want to draw your attention to a few things that attentive readers already know.

You can read any of my past daily commentaries by going to "Commentary Library" under the FR Info menu (or click here today).

You can read any of the past featured columns on this siate by going to "Special Reports" under the FR Info menu (or click… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AP Looks at the New Majority and their support of the Governor

There is no doubt that the New Majority organization has been a major financial supporter to Arnold Schwarzenegger — to the tune of millions and millions of dollars. The NM is a Republican fundraising group made up primary of GOPers that are moderate on fiscal and social issues. I’ve gotten to know many of the leaders of this group and found them to be primarily corporate executives with a yearning to give back through their support of pro-business candidates. This website actually got off of the ground, in part, with support from some NM folks.

Anyways, Michael Blood is an ‘ace’ writer for the Associated Press, and he has penned a profile on the group, and its close relationship with Arnold Schwarzenegger. I’ll print the first part below, and a link to the rest at the bottom:

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Duane Dichiara

The Merry Pranksters

I know what I’m about to publish is petty. I know I should be above it. But I’m a weak, weak man.

Check this out.

This is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. And yes, apparently it’s for real. I don’t know how he managed it, but Republican candidate and former Assemblyman Howard Kaloogian has managed to make enemies with many if not most of the state political operatives and pranksters (sometimes they are one in the same, sometimes not) who amuse themselves with this type of thing. Is this gonna win or lose the election? No. Is someone going to make some good money off it? Probably. Note to the inspired businessman… the coffee mug would have been more entertaining if there was a picture of Howard’s noggin on it near the top so the drinker could see the steam coming off his head.… Read More

The Governor and DHS Sec. Chertoff

I can’t help but hope that the Governor took the opportunity today during his time with Secretary Chertoff to discuss substantive measures to protect our borders.

If he did, why no message from the Governor to the people of California on the discussion?

Mr. Governor?… Read More

Mike Spence

Linclon Club 59th AD Forum Buzz

Warning. This will be one of my longer posts. I still won’t be able to get everything in. This was the first forum for all GOP candidates for the 59th Assembly District. I was an “uncomped” member in the audience of the San Gabriel Valley Lincoln Club (part of the 360 member Los Angeles Lincoln Club) monthly member meeting that featured this forum.

Moderating was Assemblyman Bob Huff.

You can read my previous post on the race here and it contains links to all the other posts by Brad Mitzelfelt or me on the topic. Since I last wrote the local CRA units in the area endorsed Barry Hartz.

First off all the candidates were pretty articulate and could make a decent presentation. That was good news.

Hartz, Adams and Slater are clearly conservatives and their answers on questions reflected that.

Slater did say she had three priorities in running illegal immigration, taxes and oh ya…… conservatorship. While that maybe great for the lawyer in the crowd or worries the ingrate grandson going… Read More