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Duane Dichiara

The Merry Pranksters

I know what I’m about to publish is petty. I know I should be above it. But I’m a weak, weak man.

Check this out.

This is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. And yes, apparently it’s for real. I don’t know how he managed it, but Republican candidate and former Assemblyman Howard Kaloogian has managed to make enemies with many if not most of the state political operatives and pranksters (sometimes they are one in the same, sometimes not) who amuse themselves with this type of thing. Is this gonna win or lose the election? No. Is someone going to make some good money off it? Probably. Note to the inspired businessman… the coffee mug would have been more entertaining if there was a picture of Howard’s noggin on it near the top so the drinker could see the steam coming off his head.… Read More

The Governor and DHS Sec. Chertoff

I can’t help but hope that the Governor took the opportunity today during his time with Secretary Chertoff to discuss substantive measures to protect our borders.

If he did, why no message from the Governor to the people of California on the discussion?

Mr. Governor?… Read More

Mike Spence

Linclon Club 59th AD Forum Buzz

Warning. This will be one of my longer posts. I still won’t be able to get everything in. This was the first forum for all GOP candidates for the 59th Assembly District. I was an “uncomped” member in the audience of the San Gabriel Valley Lincoln Club (part of the 360 member Los Angeles Lincoln Club) monthly member meeting that featured this forum.

Moderating was Assemblyman Bob Huff.

You can read my previous post on the race here and it contains links to all the other posts by Brad Mitzelfelt or me on the topic. Since I last wrote the local CRA units in the area endorsed Barry Hartz.

First off all the candidates were pretty articulate and could make a decent presentation. That was good news.

Hartz, Adams and Slater are clearly conservatives and their answers on questions reflected that.

Slater did say she had three priorities in running illegal immigration, taxes and oh ya…… conservatorship. While that maybe great for the lawyer in the crowd or worries the ingrate grandson going… Read More

Jon Fleischman

No Bonds in June: Blame the Democrats

There will be no infrastructure bonds on the June ballot. This is a certainty. But what does that mean?

There are a host of articles linked on the main page today where you can read the ‘spin’ out there from over a dozen different political reporters (or in some cases "teams" of political reporters). I will take a few minutes here and put in my ten cents. Let me first talk about the Governor. Arnold Schwarzenegger has certainly won the debate — there is no question from any corner about the need for California to invest in significant infrastructure needs for the state. The Governor laid out a bold plan last January, and has spent months making a case for this. It’s not too hard a case to make when you spend hours on clogged highways, or see the state of disrepair of many of California’s levees.

So why, with the need so great, and a ‘superstar’ Republican Governor making a very passionate and persuasive case to the people of California about a need for strategic infrastructure growth, did the legislature fail to place anything on the June ballot? After… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: No Bonds in June: Blame the Democrats

There will be no infrastructure bonds on the June ballot. This is a certainty. But what does that mean?

There are a host of articles linked on the main page today where you can read the ‘spin’ out there from over a dozen different political reporters (or in some cases "teams" of political reporters). I will take a few minutes here and put in my ten cents. Let me first talk about the Governor. Arnold Schwarzenegger has certainly won the debate — there is no question from any corner about the need for California to invest in significant infrastructure needs for the state. The Governor laid out a bold plan last January, and has spent months making a case for this. It’s not too hard a case to make when you spend hours on clogged highways, or see the state of disrepair of many of California’s levees.

So why, with the need so great, and a ‘superstar’ Republican Governor making a very passionate and persuasive case to the people of California about a need for strategic infrastructure growth, did the legislature fail to place anything on the June ballot? After… Read More

Barry Jantz

50th CD Fodder Swirling

Perhaps to brag, but I’m just about on my way to SDSU’s Cox Arena for Round One of March Madness, FOUR basketball games between 11:40 this morning and 9:00 tonite, so just wanted to get a quickie posted on the 50th before seeing Marquette, UCLA, Illinois and Washington take on their equally impressive opponents. Life’s rough, but at least a defense contractor didn’t buy me my tickets.

Politics can be like the ups and downs of basketball, and the missives and rumors are flying in the Cunningham Replacement Thing. The SD Politics Blog has Alan Uke considering hanging it up, based on the big money spending by Eric Roach and Bill Hauf. If you saw Duane’s post two days ago on the Competitive Edge poll, you know that Uke’s half a mil is only translating into 3.6%, so you understand the Uke concern, if it’s true.

On the other… Read More

Jon Fleischman

SacBee’s Weintraub gives his thoughts on the bond mess

From time to time, FR friend Dan Weintraub, over at the Sacramento Bee, links to something featured on this blog. So, it seems only fair that we return the favor on occasion. Weintraub, considered to be keen thinker on the capitol polical scene, and its juncture with the world of public policy, has taken a stab at why he thinks that no infrastructure plan is on the June ballot. He says:

What went wrong?

By Dan Weintraub from his blog:

With the bond deal dead for June and in danger of not happening at all, Schwarzenegger now risks looking like a hapless governor who can’t get along with Democrats but also can’t depend on his own Republican allies for votes when… Read More

Jon Fleischman

And the winner of the ‘sloppy’ candidate award is…Francine Busby

The California Republican Party FILES ETHICS COMPLAINT AGAINST FRANCINE BUSBY Democrat candidate used government resources to promote campaign for Congress

SACRAMENTO – Today, March 16, 2006, the San Diego County Republican Central Committee and the California Republican Party (CRP), sent an ethics complaint to the Federal Elections Commission (FEC), the California Attorney General, and the San Diego… Read More