Today’s Commentary: Note to the Governor: the Democrats in the Capitol want you to lose.
This is probably not a surprise to anyone, but Senate President Don Perata, Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez (pictured to the right on the campaign trail with Phil Angelides), and the rest of the Democratic legislators who hold majorities in both houses of the legislature do not want a Republican Governor — specifically, they would like to see Arnold Schwarzenegger lose in November, and fail dismally in his leadership of California between now and then. Why? Because as partisan Democrats, they would like to see one of their own party members occupy the highest public office in the state. This becomes important because in this election year, there is simply no way to avoid the reality that the partisan elections that are underway have already and will continue to ensure that the legislative Democrats will do anything and everything to see Governor Schwarzenegger embarrassed and do poorly — after all, you need only look at the endorsements lists on the websites of … Read More