Sunday San Diego
Update on 50th, or "Rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated"… As a follow up to my post the other day about the rumors floating that Alan Uke has stopped spending his hard earned cash, and that conservatives are encouraging Bill Morrow out so as to not split the vote … I can say confidently that neither are true, just the expected trash floated in a race like this. Uke has no intention of being in this thing any way but big until the end, and — in fact — paid a sizable media buy within the last few days. As for Morrow, when asked about the swirl, hegavea genuine laugh and said, “If I’m being pressured to bow out, nobody’s talked to me yet."
Just WHEN did the U.S. Attorney’s office know about Cunningham?… The San Diego Reader’s Matt Potterhas picked up on the Roll Call story about then-U.S. Attorney Gregory Vega knowing… Read More