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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Gov’s Banks Bucks while Dems Unload On Each Other – Dreier endorsed by CRA

GOVERNOR ’06 – Arnold banks, The Dems spend. The big news of the day is that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has really put his campaign fundraising into gear, raising millions of dollars since the beginning of the year – out raising each of his Democratic opponents. Actually, this highlights the financial advantage of running unopposed as the Republican Party’s pre-primary endorsed nominee for Governor — Schwarzenegger is not only putting money in the bank for the fall campaign — but his two opponents are spending money like crazy on television ads as they wage a hard-fought campaign for their party’s nomination. Of course, all three candidates for Governor are quite wealthy in their own right, multi-millionaires all. That said, there are a lot of news stories today that talk about the extremely deep pockets of E-bay co-founder Steve Westly, who has a personal fortune measured in… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Why I’m a Fish out of Water in Oakland

The last line in the Capitol Weekly’s piece today profiling the three Democrats running to replace termed out Assemblywoman Wilma Chan in the 16th Assembly district race reminds me why it’s so lonely in the Bay Area at election time:

"No Republicans have filed to run in the district, where GOP voters are outnumbered 6-to-1 by Democrats."

That line made me think of my 10-year-old daughter asking me the other day if John Kerry is from California. "No," I said. "He’s from Massachusetts."

"Well, then why does everyone in Oakland have his bumper sticker on their cars?" she asked.

Mind you, it’s March ’06. Kerry lost the election in November… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CRA PAC blasts Bilbray in 50th CD

The special election in San Diego’s 50th Congressional District is coming down to the home stretch, with the election just weeks away. There are a half-dozen viable GOP candidates all trying to get the biggest piece of the pie.

By most accounts, the candidate who is leading the pack if former Congressman Brian Bilbray, who has been working as a federal lobbyist (for an immigration reform group, and other clients) since he lost his house seat years ago.

Anyways, the conventional wisdom is that Bilbray will win unless he is the subject of negative campaign mail hitting him on his vulnerabilities as a lobbyist, and potentially as a former Member of Congress in a district where the Duke Cunningham calamity might leave voters looking for a fresh face.

The California Republican Assembly Federal PAC has a negative piece on Bilbray hitting wide and deep throughout the 50th District tomorrow. The CRA folks sent over a copy of the piece — it is attached below.

Oh yes, an interesting point – the CRA… Read More

Mike Spence

How the CRA Endorsement Works

I have received dozens of calls over the last month about CRA and how one goes about getting a CRA endorsement. People could read our bylaws at the CRA website. I’ve learned that it easier to find my phone numberon the site then click the by-laws link. So here is a quick primer.

Statewide endorsements and Board of Equalization are done at the Statewide Endorsing Convention. We recently had one in Bakersfield. Delegates sent by units and the Board of Directors then endorse statewidecandidates and initiatives.

All endorsements at all levels require a two-thirds vote.

CRA is a conservative organization not only in beliefs, but also in how it operates. The state does not endorse in local races.

If the local race partisan or non-partisan has more than one unit in that area (meaning ANY of the geography regardless of size), a local endorsing convention must be called with delegates from all the affected units. With the current gerrymandered seats, some legislative districts could haveseveral clubs that need to be invited to participate. A single club in a… Read More

Mike Spence

Evolution Debate in Schools: First Lancaster then LAUSD?

Lancaster School District in Los Angeles County’s Antelope Valley has adopted a new science philosophy that allows debate in science classrooms about Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. Lancaster becomes the latest school district that specifically hasentered into this debate. See the article here.

Alex Branning, the parent that initiated the policy. Says his next target in Los Angeles Unified. Hate to break the news, but LAUSD needs a "Big Bang" to start all over again. This policy won’t do that.… Read More

Who’s got your back?

In this business of politics we sometimes forget that the men and women who become policy makers are not necessarily themselves the biggest reason for thier own success. The fact is, George W. Bush would be no where without Karl Rove (George W.’s ‘brains’). For every successful politician there is a man or woman, some times a team, but more regularly on person that is their political brains, foot soldier and all around goto guy or gal. This column is written not just in tribute to them but to highlight just how important the politicians ‘brains’ really are.

I am going to present this list as a start of something bigger and encourage readers to give me their thoughts on who else to include on future lists. Today’s list will include ten elected officials and their ‘brains’ mostly from Orange County, but some from other parts of the state.








Jon Fleischman

Bialosky on Schwarzenegger

FR friend Bruce Bialosky sent me this column weeks ago, and I told him I would run it. Somehow I never did, and after a gentle reminder from Bruce, here is his piece, which is definately from the heart, which he has entitled, "Why Arnold is Losing the Republicans"… Bruce has been involved with helping to raise funds up in LA for Republican candidates and causes for years.

The recent semi-annual California Republican Convention was an attempt by Governor Schwarzenegger and others to solidify his support with the base of the party. Despite his efforts and those of State Senator Tom McClintock, Arnold has failed as of now. Schwarzenegger positions have left the base feeling that supporting him for reelection may not only be the wrong thing to do, but may also beRead More

Jon Fleischman

Reiner, Schnur, Der Manouel, Correa/Umberg, More…

Governor Schwarzenegger’s came into Fresno yesterday and outlined his aggressive support of vocational education. He laid out a comprehensive policy agenda which you can read here.

That said, it was his trip over to the editorial board at the Fresno Bee that has been burning up the blogosphere. While meeting with the Bee folks, when the subject of Rob Reiner came up, for the first time, the Governor was not silent. He said that he has no plans to appoint a new Chairman to the Children and Families First Commission and thus ‘retire’ Reiner. You can read more about this on… Read More