AppointmentWatch: GOPer for Housing, Dem for DMV
We continue to highlight the appointments made by Governor Schwarzenegger — late last week, the Governor made two important appointments, Republican Lynn Jacobs as director of the Department of Housing and Community Development and George Valverde as director of the Department of Motor Vehicles. Here is more information about them:
GEORGE VALVERDE Valverde has served the State of California for thirty years, much if it in managerial roles, with a focus on operations and budget issues. He has served the State and Consumer Services Agency (SCSA) as undersecretary since 2004. Valverde was previously deputy secretary for fiscal operations from 1995 to 2003. Prior to his tenure with State and Consumer Services, he served in the Department of Finance as an assistant program budget manager of the Capitol Outlay Unit from 1990 to 1995, principal program budget analyst from 1985 to 1990 and budget analyst from 1981 to 1985.… Read More