Today’s Commentary: 82 drops in Poll, Big Bond$ back? I make the Join Arnold “War Room” E-mail!
There is a lot of interesting stuff going on in California politics today: * The latest Field Poll numbers show that the public is wising up to the poor public policy behind actor/producer/director Rob Reiner’s "universal pre-school" measure. The measure, which would create a new tax burdon on Californians, creates a centralized, statewide bureaucracy to provide pre-school. Conservatives oppose the measure both for the new taxes and another government-run program (a massive one, at that) — but also Democrats are starting to oppose the measure (such as former Senate President John Burton) because they feel that a lot of wealthy folks who already send their kids to pre-school will be the primary beneficiaries. * FR friend Bill Bradley, a columnist for the LA Weekly and blogger extraordinairre at New West Notes (you though I wrote a lot, this guy types circles around me) reveals that there is a new independent expenditure firing up on behalf of Phil Angelides. * Negotiations are underway again to negotiate an infrastructure funding package for the November ballot. This is your opportunity to contact your… Read More