Today’s Commentary: Advice to George Plescia, Part I – Congrats to Sheriff Carona
GEORGE PLESCIA BECOMES LEADER Yesterday, with little fanfare, Assembly George Plescia of San Diego County became the new Leader of Assembly Republicans. We’ll be focusing more on Plescia and the challenges ahead of him in the coming weeks. But we want to give FR friend Plescia a hearty congratulations as he assumes his new responsibilities and bigger digs.
Not that he has asked for it, but over the next few weeks, we’ll be offering Plescia some advice in various policy and political matters, starting today with Infrastructure Funding: Assembly Republicans demonstrated that, unified, they could stand in-between legislative Democrats and irresponsible borrowing. As "Big 5" talks continue on the issue of infrastructure investment (i.e…. a massive borrowing package), the ‘deal makers’ should still be:
Infrastructure means infrastructure. Not a "Christmas Tree" package where … Read More