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Matthew J. Cunningham

My Favorite Taqueria Was Closed

I only had one brush with the boycott — although I’m not 100% positive that’s what it was.

My two youngest daughters asked if I would take them to our favorite taqueria — Taqueria Guadalupana — for rice and beans. Personally, I was looking forward to some tacos al pastor, which are killer at Guadalupana (especially when the skinny cook is there).

So, we roll up to the taqueria about 6:00 p.m. — and it’s closed! According to posted stores hours, it’s supposed to be abierto until 8:00 p.m.

Now, I don’t know if the proprietors closed in observance of the boycott — there was no signage indicating such — or if they closed because business was slow because of the boycott.

Of if they weren’t there for some other reason.

But that’s as close as I came to being impacted by the "Day Without Immigrants."… Read More

OC Open too.

Much like my fellow FR contributor Phil Paule I can report that here in Orange County we are open for business.

All the shops in strip center across from my house are open, so was Bistango, one of the nicest restaurants in Irvine. Clearly the the media is up and running because all LA stations are broadcasting the protests.

I really don’t understand who is out there in LA and here OC in Santa Ana at the Civic Center.

My sense is that perhaps they are the several percent among us who are unemployed or it is their day off, because I see no evidence any impact on local businesses. According to Totally Buzz the OC Register blog our own County Supervisor Lou Correa left his comfortable office on the 5th floor of the Hall of Admin. to protest with the peps.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Mounjoy Invites Undocumented Retired Legislators to be Scabs

Appropo for today, May Day. No one ever said Dennis Mountjoy isn’t colorful. As noted on FR last Friday, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore wrote about Dennis’ comments the other day in Human Events Online, but now they are being being picked up in various other blogoplaces. This from Calicapia:

Dennis Mountjoy. Love him, or loath him, you have to admit he’s always entertaining. At the end of Thursday’s Assembly Session, following the announcement of the Democrat plan to shut down the legislature on Monday so the majority party could go participate in the anti-rule-of-law demonstrations, Mountjoy announced that he’d located a number of former members of the legislature who were willing to come in that day. Further, he remarked that they’d work for half the price of the elected members. One small issue, he said, they haven’t been documented by theRead More

Jon Fleischman

CCR Convention – The Week That Was…

I am going to try and claim some of this day for myself, rather than penning a long Sunday column. I will take a moment to congratulate the California College Republicans for putting on a great convention here in Orange County, headlined by great speakers like Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Larry Elder, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore and…me? Actually, those other folks all spoke to the whole group — but I did get invited to come and speak yesterday at a panel looking at the Main Stream Media, and this impact of blogging (wonder why they would ask me to talk about that?). Anyways, my favorite part of the panel was actually the end — when incoming CCR Chairman Mason Harrison came into the room and, using a bullhorn (for real), ordered all college republicans out to the street for an impromptu (well, given the pre-painted signs, almost improptu) rally in support of the Governor. Congrats on a great event!

THE WEEK THAT WAS… You can catch up on this week’s commentaries here.

Also, here are the special columns that… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: CCR Convention – The Week That Was…

I am going to try and claim some of this day for myself, rather than penning a long Sunday column. I will take a moment to congratulate the California College Republicans for putting on a great convention here in Orange County, headlined by great speakers like Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Larry Elder, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore and…me? Actually, those other folks all spoke to the whole group — but I did get invited to come and speak yesterday at a panel looking at the Main Stream Media, and this impact of blogging (wonder why they would ask me to talk about that?). Anyways, my favorite part of the panel was actually the end — when incoming CCR Chairman Mason Harrison came into the room and, using a bullhorn (for real), ordered all college republicans out to the street for an impromptu (well, given the pre-painted signs, almost improptu) rally in support of the Governor. Congrats on a great event!

THE WEEK THAT WAS… You can catch up on this week’s commentaries here.

Also, here are the special columns that… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego

Q&A With George Plescia… The SDUT, often known for doing these Sunday Insight section interviews with folks like presidential cabinet heads, national party leaders, governors and the like, focuses on the new Assembly Minority Leader. Good for the UT…and good for George!

Read the interview here.

Can I hope for a little more state legislative news coverage in the UT now,too?

The Juan Vargas-Insurance Co. Connection… Maybe the answer to my question above is reflected in another UT piece this morning, Lawmaker Vargas’ ties to insurers questioned. Adding to the UT’s recent string of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Entire GOP Ticket Headlines OC Lincoln Club Annual Dinner

While Democrats are engaged in an 1500 delegate ‘food fight’ in Sacramento, as the forces and minions of Phil Angelides and Steve Westly wrestle over which (if either) Democrat will end up with an official State Democratic endorsement for Governor, California’s Republican ticket for statewide office couldn’t have been more unified.

Last evening, I attended the Orange County Lincoln Club’s annual membership dinner banquet at the gorgeous Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach. The guest of honor… EVERY REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE ON THE PRIMARY BALLOT! That’s right, while the top-billing for this ‘Lincoln-Club Members Only’ (and invited guests) event of over 400 people were Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and his running mate, State Senator Tom McClintock, every other candidate vying for the Republican nomination for a statewide office was at the dinner, working the room, and meeting the influential members of Orange County’s most prestigious Republican… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Entire GOP Ticket Headlines OC Lincoln Club Annual Dinner

While Democrats are engaged in an 1500 delegate ‘food fight’ in Sacramento, as the forces and minions of Phil Angelides and Steve Westly wrestle over which (if either) Democrat will end up with an official State Democratic endorsement for Governor, California’s Republican ticket for statewide office couldn’t have been more unified.

Last evening, I attended the Orange County Lincoln Club’s annual membership dinner banquet at the gorgeous Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach. The guest of honor… EVERY REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE ON THE PRIMARY BALLOT! That’s right, while the top-billing for this ‘Lincoln-Club Members Only’ (and invited guests) event of over 400 people were Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and his running mate, State Senator Tom McClintock, every other candidate vying for the Republican nomination for a statewide office was at the dinner, working the room, and meeting the influential members of Orange County’s most prestigious Republican organization.

When I… Read More