Tales of the Rail, Part II
Well, it appears that the best place in San Diego to get an unvarnished view of what people are thinking about illegal immigration is the public train. Welcome to “Tales of the Rail, Part II.”
This morning I was running late. The fare is $2.25 (probably a $40 subsidy from the local taxpayers) but while rushing I dropped my trusty quarter down some sort of grating in the concrete and thus was tempting fate by ‘short-faring’ 3 stops. On top of this, I was knowingly committing what must be the most cardinal sin of any train commuter – carrying an open coffee mug filled to the brim. (bloggers note: Since this is a conservative blog, many of you have probably only seen public transportation trains on T.V., or in the 1970’s classic gang thriller “The Warriors.” When the train starts, 75% of the time the first 40 feet of the trip is taken at bullet train speed, giving the passengers an unbalancing jerk, and giving any hot liquids a chance to return to the wild. Thankfully the train then returns to a placid 1mph crawl for the remainder of the trip).
Anyway, today’s car was not crowded. One person a bench. In the… Read More