Stunning Development – Poochigian Gets The Fresno Bee
I know and like the editorial page editor of the Fresno Bee, Jim Boren. While not exactly conservative, he’s made some great changes to the page and the editorial policy has moved from way left to center left over the years. Still, I am always very surprised when any Republican gets any Bee endorsement for Statewide office.Not only was I knocked off of my chair thismorning,but thelanguage of the endorsement was so strong, and so definitive, and so critical of the Democrat opposition, that Poochigian actually received their endorsement for both the June and November elections.
The cynic in me says its a favorite son play. But I know better. Chuck really is the overwhelmingly superior candidate. Andthe strength of the endorsement willget voters and other editorial boards thinking twice about dismissing our Republican nominee. Today is a good day.… Read More