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OC Open too.

Much like my fellow FR contributor Phil Paule I can report that here in Orange County we are open for business.

All the shops in strip center across from my house are open, so was Bistango, one of the nicest restaurants in Irvine. Clearly the the media is up and running because all LA stations are broadcasting the protests.

I really don’t understand who is out there in LA and here OC in Santa Ana at the Civic Center.

My sense is that perhaps they are the several percent among us who are unemployed or it is their day off, because I see no evidence any impact on local businesses. According to Totally Buzz the OC Register blog our own County Supervisor Lou Correa left his comfortable office on the 5th floor of the Hall of Admin. to protest with the peps.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Mounjoy Invites Undocumented Retired Legislators to be Scabs

Appropo for today, May Day. No one ever said Dennis Mountjoy isn’t colorful. As noted on FR last Friday, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore wrote about Dennis’ comments the other day in Human Events Online, but now they are being being picked up in various other blogoplaces. This from Calicapia:

Dennis Mountjoy. Love him, or loath him, you have to admit he’s always entertaining. At the end of Thursday’s Assembly Session, following the announcement of the Democrat plan to shut down the legislature on Monday so the majority party could go participate in the anti-rule-of-law demonstrations, Mountjoy announced that he’d located a number of former members of the legislature who were willing to come in that day. Further, he remarked that they’d work for half the price of the elected members. One small issue, he said, they haven’t been documented by theRead More

Jennifer Nelson

May Day in the East Bay

You’d think it was a presidential inauguration by the amount of on-the-spot, minute-by-minute news coverage the Bay Area media is giving the “Boycott ” rallies around the Bay Area today. Like Mike Spence, I decided to counter the protest by spending money today, starting with a trip to my favorite Bay Area market, the Berkeley Bowl. For those of you not familiar with this market, it is a larger, less expensive version of Whole Foods. They’ve got everything a Bush-hating, vegan from Berkeley would want and then some. So why do I shop there? Because it also has the most amazing produce, fish, meat and prepared food departments I’ve ever seen. There truly is no farmer’s market or grocery store that can rival the Berkeley Bowl’s produce department. Plus, my son has many food allergies and because the Bowl caters to vegetarians, vegans and other food wierdos, it carries many egg-free, dairy free… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Rain on Jerry Brown’s Parade

I was going to blog today on the fact that my hometown mayor, the guy with the huge name ID numbers in all of the polls, couldn’t get his party’s endorsement over the LA City Attorney whose name nobody outside of Los Angeles seems to know. But then I got the following e-mail from the Poochigian campaign that said exactly what I wanted to say, but better:

For Jerry: A Rainy Weekend in Sac-Town

There wasn’t a cloud in the sky in Sacramento this weekend, but boy did it rain on Jerry Brown’s parade. Looking for a dignified coronation at the Democrat Convention, Oakland‘s princeling was given the royal Bronx cheer instead… Read More

Jon Fleischman

State Capitol Cafeteria Closes for Boycott

A Day Without Immigrants — A Month Without Customers by Jennifer Vitela [Vitela is the Capitol Director for Assemblywoman Audra Strickland] The Joint Rules Committee from the California State Assembly notified Capitol employees on Friday that due to Monday’s boycott, the cafes at the State Capitol would be either closed or serving a limited menu. The Rules committee suggested employees bring their own lunches to work to accomodate for the boycott. I think it is time for a boycott of our own. These boycotts have been advertised as a means for immigrants to prove their economic power. Instead of contributing to the very country that is providing all of us with the opportunity for a better life, boycott organizers are encouraging immigrants to try to stall our economy by skipping school, missing work, and not buying anything for a day. But, we do not need to be held hostage because this is America. In a country built on capitalism, we have options.… Read More

Mike Spence

SPEND! SPEND! SPEND! And get your money back

I just got done getting gas, an oil change, breakfast, a car washand dry cleaning done. Why?I’m rewarding those hard working people who are not part of the Communistsupported boycott today. Best of all Los Angeles based Radio Hosts John and Ken of KFI 640 AM will have a drawing that reimburse some of those purchases if chosen. You can get all the details by clicking here.You can listen to the show here.Read More

Duane Dichiara

Tales of the Rail, Part II

Well, it appears that the best place in San Diego to get an unvarnished view of what people are thinking about illegal immigration is the public train. Welcome to “Tales of the Rail, Part II.”

This morning I was running late. The fare is $2.25 (probably a $40 subsidy from the local taxpayers) but while rushing I dropped my trusty quarter down some sort of grating in the concrete and thus was tempting fate by ‘short-faring’ 3 stops. On top of this, I was knowingly committing what must be the most cardinal sin of any train commuter – carrying an open coffee mug filled to the brim. (bloggers note: Since this is a conservative blog, many of you have probably only seen public transportation trains on T.V., or in the 1970’s classic gang thriller “The Warriors.” When the train starts, 75% of the time the first 40 feet of the trip is taken at bullet train speed, giving the passengers an unbalancing jerk, and giving any hot liquids a chance to return to the wild. Thankfully the train then returns to a placid 1mph crawl for the remainder of the trip).

Anyway, today’s car was not crowded. One person a bench. In the… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

LittleBluePill.Com–The Dem’s Answer to

How funny that the Dems were contemplating calling their version of the “Flashreport” “The Little Blue Pill. I’m not a huge Matrix fan (I’m a chick—I like romantic comedies), but my husband is, so I know that the blue pill is the pill that lets you live in a dream world and ignore reality. How fitting—that’s why Democrats believe that higher taxes are good for the economy; that handing out condoms to kids helps reduce teenage pregnancies; that the CTA really cares about education and not just about higher pay and more benefits for their members; that you can support the troops but not the troops’ mission….the list goes on.

But if Maviglio, Salazar and Kinney don’t like “The Little Blue Pill” name, here are a few other suggestions for them: (since everything the Democrats do give the rest of us heartburn). Or (in honor of Bill Clinton).Read More