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Congressman John Campbell

California 50th CD

I have never met Eric Roach. People tell me he is a great guy. He just lost an election to Brian Bilbray (pictured below, to the right) in the 50th CD. I hope he does not run another campaign June 6th.

Given all the residue from Duke Cunningham’s crimes, It is not going to be easy to hold on to this normally safe Republican seat on this confusing ballot where the general election for the special and the primary for 2006 are on the same ballot. Roach can only win the primary by bringing Bilbray down which will only help the Democrat in the race. The most likely scenario for a successful Roach is to win the primary and allow a Democrat to win the general thereby having to face an incumbent in November. That gives us a very high probability of losing the seat completely. This year will be close enough without losing what should be safe Republican seats over internal squabbles.

Politics is a team sport and the Republican… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bond$ – Problems abound…

For those of you up late, there is still no update out of the legislature. There is a lot of discontent among GOP legislators over the SUBSTANCE and the PROCESS tonight. I’ve spoken personally with five members tonight who were quite frustrated at the ‘expectation that they would feel comfortable voting on something with which they are unfamiliar, and which they have not had an opportunity to adequately review.’

PROP 42 "FIX" PROBLEMS – NOT TIED TO BOND PASSAGE – AND OPPOSED BY CTA Problems with the package abound — from the ten-ton gorilla, this multi-billion dollar ‘housing’ bond (this is code for government redistribution of wealth — borrowing from all of the taxpayers to subsidize one segment of the population), to factors such as the fact that the Prop. 42 fix is not in any of the bond packages, but, rather is introduced as a separate ballot measure. There is no language stating that the 42 fix must pass for the bond measures to go into effect. This becomes important because the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bond$ being voted on in the Senate

As I write this, the California State Senate is voting on the various components of the BIG BOND$ deal. First to pass was this Prop. 42 ‘fix’ that would go on the ballot, though there is nothing in the other bonds requiring the Prop. 42 fix to actually pass for the bonds to also be authorized. This is key since the CTA opposes the fix. Also voted out was the Levee Repair Bond, as well as a one-time emergency appropriation of $500,000. They started a vote on the Housing Bond, but apparently Republican Leader Ackerman was not there, so that has been held open. Votes underway for the Transportation and the Education Bond measures.

And the State Assembly has just called their members into session… [UPDATE (Midnight): The Senate passed, with TWO Republican votes (the minimum # of GOP votes to give Democrats a 2/3 vote) the Housing Bond measure. The two GOPers that sold-out on that vote: Senators Dick Ackerman and Bob Dutton. Very disappointing.]

[UPDATE II (12:10am): Just got off of the phone with Dick Ackerman, whoRead More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

Baca ‘Dynasty’ Fumbles Again

Thanks to Flash for pointing out the piece from yesterday’s San Bernardino County Sun about the latest development in the misadventures ofRep. Joe Baca and Sons,aka the "Dismal Dynasty". I postedPart I of this year’s sagaon October 9th. The latest Baca blunder came in the form of their inability to get endorsements from the Democratic Party convention last weekend.

(Pictured, left to right) Joe, Joe Jr., and Jeremy — or as he is now known, "J. Baca", are either running for reelection to Congress (Joe the Father), for a promotion from the State Assembly to the State Senate in the overlapping district (Joe the Son, who likes to call himself "Genuine Joe"), or for promotion to the State Assembly from "education consultant" (the other son, "J. Baca", akaJeremy).

Since almost the dawn of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

SacBee endorses Rexroad (echoing Joe’s post)

[Funny, Joe Justin and I both posted on the same topic – if this isn’t a clarion call for action – making a donation to Matt – what is?]

Matt Rexroad is a good buddy of mine. For years he has toiled on behalf of conservative candidates and causes. He has served his country honorably in the military, and served many years working in the State Capitol. Right now, Matt is the Mayor of the city of Woodland, which is in Yolo County, right near the Sacramento Airport. Matt is making a run for Yolo County Supervisor, and with a lot of hard work, he is well on his way to retiring an ineffective incumbent.

I was quite pleased to read this morning that the Sacramento Bee has endorsed Matt’s candidacy for Supervisor, and so I will share with you what they said. No matter where you live in California, or nationally — if you believe that the people who make sacrifices on behalf of conservative values should be rewarded, take a… Read More

Mike Spence

Redondo Beach Law against Day laborers struck down.

A federal judge has prohibted Redondo Beach from enforcingits ordinanceto stop day laborers fromsoliciting work. Now you are free to solict work or contribution on steets or highways. Maybe we should do that in front of the judges house. We’ll see what happens. See the article here.Read More

Duane Dichiara

McMillin Appointment

One of the great Republicans of San Diego County has been appointed by Governor Schwarzenegger to serve on the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Commission. 49 Mark? I never would have guessed. The release:

Mark McMillin, 49, of El Cajon, has been appointed to the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Commission. He has served as co-chairman and chief executive officer of The Corky McMillin Companies, a home building and real estate development business, since 1979. McMillin is past president of the Building Industry Association of San Diego County and has served on the Board of Directors for the National Association on Homebuilders. This position does not require Senate confirmation and the compensation is $50 per diem. McMillin is a Republican.… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Welcome Congressman Campbell and Assemblyman La Malfa

It is certainly exciting news to have two elected officials on the blog team, but let me be the first to warn Congressman Campbell and Assemblyman LaMalfa – any spin will be met with an avalanche of pain.

You see, the GOP base out here has about had it. We are tired of the spending, seeing airhead Democrats win policy debates, the failure to secure our borders, and the lack of willingness to fight our political adversaries. So…….. this may be not much of a welcome, but to the extent you can demonstrate to your readers exactly what you are doing to change the culture in Washington and Sacramento, respectively, you have a great opportunity here to pick up a lot of support.

As a grumpy old veteran of California politics the first thing I do is check rhetoric against actions, like the actual introduction of legislation or votes on key issues.

Give us the unvarnished truth – good or bad, and you will soon be loved more than you already are.

I look forward to the dialog.… Read More