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Jennifer Nelson

Public Education Today

The editorial cartoon that the Oakland Tribune ran today is great (it’s syndicated from the Detroit News). This cartoon particularly hits home here in California after an Oakland judge struck down the state’s exit exam yesterday, calling it unfair. Of course, what’s unfair is allowing students to graduate from our public high schools who don’t even have a grasp of sophomore-level English, which is what the exit exam requires.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

How did Assembly Republicans lose their resolve?


Michael Der Manouel, Jr.


CRP Vice Chairman Ron Nehring sent an important email out today and if you missed it, you need to visit to check out the beginning of an important strategy to retain the Governorship. I am not going to get into how many times I have written about the importance of defining unions before they beat up the Governor, again. As a matter of fact, the Governor really needs to run his race against them, and not against Westly or Angelides.

Democrat approval numbers are even lower than Arnold’s. This is why they have transferred their voice to teachers, nurses, firefighters, cops and prison guards. And those groups are our real opponents in November. Run your campaign against the legislature, the unions, and the Democrat nominee, in that order, and you just might win.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: How did Assembly Republicans lose their resolve?


Barry Jantz

Hedgecock Producer Blasts Fleischman Re: Roach…Baldwin Responds…Nehring Splits the Difference

Putting aside Bill Hauf’s entrance (re-entrance?) in the CD 50 race for a moment,let’s look at some of the Roach decision fallout/reaction/response/spin/you-name-it:

Jimmy Valentine, producer for Roger Hedgecock, ran this in today’s FlashFax (not to be confused with the FlashReport)… ROACH BAILS!! Let’s see it be the 8th of May, less than a month away from the June 6th primary, and finally Eric Roach, having consulted with the so-called gurus of conservatism, decides to abandon his quest for the 50th. Roach is toast. After the wrangle that he put everybody thru with his consulting and undermining Bilbray for weeks on end via his surrogate Jon Fleischmann (Flash Report: not to be confused with Flash Fax) we suspect he’ll find a welcome mat in the GOP about the same time that Ted Kennedy is welcomed aboard.

A firm grasp on reality does not appear to be a republican virtue. Local folks very late understanding that the House really is in jeopardy. The 50th is a very rare open seat (Delay’s in Texas open as well) that has no incumbent to claim automaticRead More

Jon Fleischman

Welcome Karen Hanretty! – Big Bonds – Denham/Fund

For many years now, I have had the pleasure of working with Karen Hanretty. For years, Hanretty was Communications Director and spokesperson for the California Republican Party. So the two of us share a bond – alumnus of the State GOP (I served as Executive Director of the State GOP during the President’s first election campaign in the 2000 election cycle). After leaving the GOP earlier this year, Karen struck out on her own, forming a consulting practice to bring her public relations expertise to various clients. Karen has really started to make a name for herself because of her willingness to call things as she seems them – something that I admire a lot. Hanretty will be joining Dan Schnur as a State Capitol Correspondent, ensuring that we have the center-right to right spectrum covered!

Please join me in welcoming Karen to the FlashReport team! BIPARTISAN BIG BONDS I know that everyone is expecting me to come out of the chute decrying the BIG BONDS coming down the pike for the November ballot. Fear not, you will hear a lot… Read More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

AD 65: Ayers, Salas, Cook, Lowe…28 Days to Go

While absentee voters are starting to cast ballots today, the race to replace termed-out Assemblyman Russ Bogh in the 65th Assembly District GOP Primary is turning out to be one of the hottest in the state.

As of Friday, Hemet Mayor Robin Lowe had raked in the most in late contributions with $66,000. However, Lowe was lagging as of the March 17th 460 Form filing with $96,000 cash-on-hand, behind San Jacinto Councilman Jim Ayers with $346,000 and Banning Councilwoman Brenda Salas with $180,000. Salas is currently in second place in the late contributions race with $46,000, while Yucca Valley Mayor Paul Cook has taken in $36,000, adding to his $78,000 C-O-H from the last 460 filing. Ayers shows only $25,000 in late contributions, but probably isn’t losing sleep because of his superior war chest. Since the March 17 filing, each candidate also has added whatever contributions under $1,000 may have come in minus whatever they’ve spent since then. The next reports come out May 25th.

Here’s someperspective oneach majorcandidate in this race:

Jim Ayers, notwithstanding a lot of steady… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Welcome Karen Hanretty! – Big Bonds – Denham/Fund

For many years now, I have had the pleasure of working with Karen Hanretty. For years, Hanretty was Communications Director and spokesperson for the California Republican Party. So the two of us share a bond – alumnus of the State GOP (I served as Executive Director of the State GOP during the President’s first election campaign in the 2000 election cycle). After leaving the GOP earlier this year, Karen struck out on her own, forming a consulting practice to bring her public relations expertise to various clients. Karen has really started to make a name for herself because of her willingness to call things as she seems them – something that I admire a lot. Hanretty will be joining Dan Schnur as a State Capitol Correspondent, ensuring that we have the center-right to right spectrum covered!

Please join me in welcoming Karen to the FlashReport team! BIPARTISAN BIG BONDS I know that everyone is expecting me to come out of the chute decrying the BIG BONDS coming down the pike for the November ballot. Fear not, you will hear a lot… Read More