Posted by Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt at 12:00 am on May 08, 2006 1 Comment
While absentee voters are starting to cast ballots today, the
race to replace termed-out Assemblyman Russ Bogh in the 65th
Assembly District GOP Primary is turning out to be one of the
hottest in the state.
As of Friday, Hemet Mayor Robin Lowe had raked in the most in
late contributions with $66,000. However, Lowe was lagging as
of the March 17th 460 Form filing with $96,000 cash-on-hand, behind
San Jacinto Councilman Jim Ayers with $346,000 and Banning
Councilwoman Brenda Salas with $180,000. Salas is currently
in second place in the late contributions race with $46,000, while
Yucca Valley Mayor Paul Cook has taken in $36,000, adding to his
$78,000 C-O-H from the last 460 filing. Ayers shows only
$25,000 in late contributions, but probably isn’t losing sleep
because of his superior war chest. Since the March 17 filing,
each candidate also has added whatever contributions under $1,000
may have come in minus whatever they’ve spent since then. The
next reports come out May 25th.
Here’s someperspective oneach majorcandidate
in this race:
Jim Ayers,
notwithstanding a lot of steady… Read More