Governor’s Economic Advisor Runs For LA Central Committee
As an eight term elected central committee member, I know how important these committees are. This is the place where activists conspire to help the party. I’m sure many of you are wondering why Milton Friedman or George Shultz wants to be on the Central Committee?
Well, they don’t. James Bognet is using that ballot designation in his bid to become a member of the Los Angeles County Central Committee representing the 53rd District. James is the former Chief Deputyin Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Office of the Special Advisor for Jobs and Economic Growth. Which goes way beyond the three word limit for ballot designations.
He is now on the Re-elect campaign. James is a pretty decent guy having worked for Santorum and getting his MBA at UCLA.
Central Committee elections are funny things. Ballot titles, ballot placement, slates and name all make a difference. There are eleven candidates for seven slots, so look for an interesting outcome. Does this become a referendum on the Gov. in the 53rd?… Read More