Presidente Fox supports his constituents in our country
Yesterday, Mexican President Vicente Fox continued to demonstrate his willingness to actively represent his constituents in America. That’s right – President Fox has millions of his country’s citizens in the United States, and he is intent on representing them while they are here. I am sure that Fox spoke about many things in his address to the state legislature, and in his private meeting with the Governor. But I have to admit, and this is speaking for myself, that after Fox came out in support of the President’s amnesty program (you know, where we let those who illegally cross into the country pay a couple thousand bucks and call it a day), I really didn’t care what he had to say about anything else. As far as I am concerned, we should cut off any foreign aide to Mexico(whether direct from the U.S. or via the U.N. or World Bank) and start to make up a penalty list of how to make Mexico realize that we are not pleased with their Chief Executive’s aggressive pro-illegal immigration posture. I was particularly proud of the dozen-or-so California legislators who chose to boycott Fox’s speech out of principle. I also… Read More