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Jon Fleischman

Presidente Fox supports his constituents in our country

Yesterday, Mexican President Vicente Fox continued to demonstrate his willingness to actively represent his constituents in America. That’s right – President Fox has millions of his country’s citizens in the United States, and he is intent on representing them while they are here. I am sure that Fox spoke about many things in his address to the state legislature, and in his private meeting with the Governor. But I have to admit, and this is speaking for myself, that after Fox came out in support of the President’s amnesty program (you know, where we let those who illegally cross into the country pay a couple thousand bucks and call it a day), I really didn’t care what he had to say about anything else. As far as I am concerned, we should cut off any foreign aide to Mexico(whether direct from the U.S. or via the U.N. or World Bank) and start to make up a penalty list of how to make Mexico realize that we are not pleased with their Chief Executive’s aggressive pro-illegal immigration posture. I was particularly proud of the dozen-or-so California legislators who chose to boycott Fox’s speech out of principle. I also… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Presidente Fox supports his constituents in our country

Yesterday, Mexican President Vicente Fox continued to demonstrate his willingness to actively represent his constituents in America. That’s right – President Fox has millions of his country’s citizens in the United States, and he is intent on representing them while they are here. I am sure that Fox spoke about many things in his address to the state legislature, and in his private meeting with the Governor. But I have to admit, and this is speaking for myself, that after Fox came out in support of the President’s amnesty program (you know, where we let those who illegally cross into the country pay a couple thousand bucks and call it a day), I really didn’t care what he had to say about anything else. As far as I am concerned, we should cut off any foreign aide to Mexico(whether direct from the U.S. or via the U.N. or World Bank) and start to make up a penalty list of how to make Mexico realize that we are not pleased with their Chief Executive’s aggressive pro-illegal immigration posture. I was particularly proud of the dozen-or-so California legislators who chose to boycott Fox’s speech out of principle. I also… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

The Devil is in the Details

Here is the email I sent out yesterdayin reaction to the Senate immigration reform bill:

The Devil is in the Details: This is a trite phrase that is often overused. But sometimes it is valid. I have been pretty clear in recent e-mails and other writings that I do not think much of the immigration bill that the United States Senate has been working on. Well just a few hours ago, the Senate passed a bill which has weak enforcement provisions and contains amnesty and other provisions which should not happen at all.

Even worse, shortly before passage of the bill, the Senate approved an 80 page manager’s amendment, that is so long those of us in the House (and possibly some in the Senate) have not yet been able to take a look at everything in it. Before this amendment was inserted the bill was full of many bad provisions you may not know about. Some of those provisions include: A specific provision to allow illegal aliens who obtained their employment using falsified and fraudulent federal documents (such as a fake Social Security card andRead More

Congressmen Spank OC Sup. Candidate

Reps. Ken Calvert and Gary Miller both Republicans representing parts of Orange County are fed up with OC 5th Dist. Supervisorial candidate Cassie DeYoung’s antics.

DeYoung, is a councilwoman in Laguna Niguel running for the south county seat against former Assemblywoman Pat Bates (a client of my firm). Bates is well liked and has virtually all the local elected and partisan endorsements.

DeYoung has been sending mail knocking Calvert and Miller for supporting transportation solutions that she says would be bad for Orange County.

Its a bold move on the part of her consultants. And it backfired. First the chairman of the Orange County Transportation Authority Art Brown release a letter pulling his endorsement (one of the few DeYoung had) because, and I am paraphrasing, it’s pretty stupid to attack two sitting Members of Congress that represent big chunks of Orange County and who have huge say over federal dollars coming to OC. I think Congressmen Calvert and Miller who have both been Probolsky Research clients would have let the first mail piece slide. But the Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Hercules Markets City at Vegas Convention While Kicking Wal-Mart Out

I have been told by a reputable source that the City of Hercules had a large booth and a big delegation at the International Council of Shopping Center (ICSC) Spring Convention in Las Vegas this week. So, at the same time the City Council was abusing their power by invoking eminent domain authority to force Wal-Mart (a ICSC member) out of their community, they were spending big money to recruit other retailers to their town. Residents and city leaders have said that a Whole Foods or other trendy, high-end store would be acceptable, but that Wal-Mart, which attracts a lower-income, more diverse crowd, is not. The elitist attitude of Hercules residents and city officials is just amazing, especially given that the city resides in the open-minded, diversity-loving, liberal Bay Area.… Read More

Mike Spence

CA GOP Response to Fox Visit

GOP Assembly leader wrote a letter to President Fox asking for some time for GOP Assembly members to share their thoughts. Fox declined and is ONLY going to meet with Democrats and Schwarzenegger before his speech. In my view some GOP legislator should sneak into the meeting and if caught ask for amnesty or atemporary permit to stay and then take a collection from those present to pay some of his bills.

But I digress.

Since Republicans won’t get face time with the President, what should they do?

First, they should follow Chuck DeVore, McClintock, and others that won’t be at the speech. See article here.

Second, they should hold a press congerence before the speech an announce and demand support for the California Border Policie Initiative and other security measures. They should announce ammendments to the budget to require proof of LEGAL residency before getting benfits etc….

The CA GOP needs to be clear and consistent in demanding these things now. There is now better time than right now.

A LutaRead More

Jon Fleischman


As Vincente Fox, the President of Mexico, comes to speak to the state legislature, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is preparing to allow the California national guard to be deployed along our state’s border with Fox’s country.

This will pit Fox against Schwarzenegger, as Fox has been a vocal critic of creating a wall or strong border enforcement between the two nations.

Tonight the Governor will have ample opportunity to hit a ‘home run’ with conservatives should he choose to take it — either by deciding not to attend Fox’s speech — or by taking the opportunity to vocalize public criticism of Fox for his hypocritical position. As Assemblyman Chuck DeVore points out below, Fox supports Mexico’s law making it a FELONY (punishable by two years in prison).

Well, we hope that the Governor will take this opportunity to use his office to give Fox a swift kick in the butt and use some public humiliation as a way to encourage "El Presidente" to stop criticizing the efforts of America to secure our borders.

I have to run, but I will leave you with some fine reading from Assemblyman Chuck… Read More

Jon Fleischman


As Vincente Fox, the President of Mexico, comes to speak to the state legislature, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is preparing to allow the California national guard to be deployed along our state’s border with Fox’s country.

This will pit Fox against Schwarzenegger, as Fox has been a vocal critic of creating a wall or strong border enforcement between the two nations.

Tonight the Governor will have ample opportunity to hit a ‘home run’ with conservatives should he choose to take it — either by deciding not to attend Fox’s speech — or by taking the opportunity to vocalize public criticism of Fox for his hypocritical position. As Assemblyman Chuck DeVore points out below, Fox supports Mexico’s law making it a FELONY (punishable by two years in prison).

**There is more – click the link**

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