The Devil is in the Details
Here is the email I sent out yesterdayin reaction to the Senate immigration reform bill:
The Devil is in the Details: This is a trite phrase that is often overused. But sometimes it is valid. I have been pretty clear in recent e-mails and other writings that I do not think much of the immigration bill that the United States Senate has been working on. Well just a few hours ago, the Senate passed a bill which has weak enforcement provisions and contains amnesty and other provisions which should not happen at all.
Even worse, shortly before passage of the bill, the Senate approved an 80 page manager’s amendment, that is so long those of us in the House (and possibly some in the Senate) have not yet been able to take a look at everything in it. Before this amendment was inserted the bill was full of many bad provisions you may not know about. Some of those provisions include: A specific provision to allow illegal aliens who obtained their employment using falsified and fraudulent federal documents (such as a fake Social Security card and … Read More