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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: CD50: “You don’t need papers to vote.” – Francine Busby, last Thursday night.

Francine Busby, the Democratic candidate running in the 50th CD special election against moderate GOPer Brian Bilbray, was speaking at the Joclyn Senior Center. After she spoke, during "Q&A" she was asked by a man in the audience (in Spanish):

"I want to help, but I don’t have papers."

Busby responded: "Everybody can help, yeah, absolutely…you can all help. You don’t need papers for voting, you don’t need to be a registered voter to help."

**There is MUCH, MUCH, more – click the link**

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Barry Jantz

Horn-Thompson Supe Survey

I know I’m going to get a bunch of flak for posting this, considering I can’t let on where I got the numbers. And, yep, I’m sure the veracity of an auto-survey will be questioned (similar to that by done Datamar in the past, but just to be clear, they didn’t do this one). And, yeah too, I know the results indicate nada about likely voters, representative samplings, etc.

Whatever. I know the survey was done, I know who did it, I know how it was conducted, and I know the results. It was not done by Horn or Thompson. That’s what I do know. I can’t speak to anything past that. If that’s not good enough for you, well, ok….there’s plenty of web out there to blog on….plus you can always post pithy comments on this page.

The survey was conducted 5/22-5/30, asking the respondents to press the corresponding numbers on their keypad. Here are the results:

1) If you are a registered Voter.

Yes – 501 No – 0

2) How would you rate Bill Horn’s job performance as County Supervisor?

Very good– 37 Good – 67Read More

Mike Spence

The Main Event: Runner vs. Ledford

The 36th AD is very safe. The fued between the Runners and Jim Ledford has been around as long as I can remember. Ledford is a Liberal, the Runners aren’t. His challenge to Sharon in preparation of a 2008 bid has been nasty. See article here. Of course the big question is Who is donating to Ledford? He is the Treas. for the campaign and hasn’t filed. See article here.Read More

Duane Dichiara

Yard Signs – Can We Ever Really Hear Enough About Them

Over the years I’ve worked for candidates from the top of the ticket all the way down to Mosquito Abatement District. They all have one thing in common: they are obsessive about yard signs. How many they have up (never enough, although the bill for the signs is always outrageous), how many their opponents have up (always tens of thousands), and, of course, who is ripping down whose signs (not us, them).

The ripping down of signs. Years ago, this was fairly common practice for signs placed in public places. There were even clever little devises invented for the task, like “The Hook” which was basically a tree branch trimmer with which you could easily cut down hard to reach signs. Or sharp straight edge blades on a stick that could cut through those new plastic fiberboard signs like a hot knife through butter. Some years ago I nearly got beat to a pulp by a particularly muscular union thug in a wife-beater t-shirt who had big long chains behind his truck with steel hooks that, when attached to a 4×8 firmly planted firmly, allowed the truck to rip the sign to shreds. Or liquids that could be brushed or squirted on signs that would make the ink… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold beats Dems – FBI probes Lewis – Don’t confuse Republicanism with conservatism!

TERMINATOR TAKES DOWN EITHER DEMOCRAT There are a lot of articles today on the release of the Field Poll, and the startling amount of undecided Democratic voters (26%!), I found the best news of the poll to be that whether you are Phil Angelides or Steve Westly, you are LOSING to Arnold Schwarzenegger this November. Now who knows what the fall will bring, but the survey shows that undecided voters are increasingly supporting Schwarzenegger. As FR State Capitol Correspondent Karen Hanretty points out — perhaps this will now create an incentive for the Governor’s campaign to focus on issues to drive up (and equally as importantly TURN OUT) conservative voters. JERRY LEWIS IS NO CONSERVATIVE, BUT THAT DOESN’T MAKE HIM A CROOK Congressman Jerry Lewis is famously moderate. He is very comfortable, apparently, presiding over the unprecedented growth we have seen in government spending. I only draw this conclusion… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Arnold beats Dems – FBI probes Lewis – Don’t confuse Republicanism with conservatism!

TERMINATOR TAKES DOWN EITHER DEMOCRAT There are a lot of articles today on the release of the Field Poll, and the startling amount of undecided Democratic voters (26%!), I found the best news of the poll to be that whether you are Phil Angelides or Steve Westly, you are LOSING to Arnold Schwarzenegger this November. Now who knows what the fall will bring, but the survey shows that undecided voters are increasingly supporting Schwarzenegger. As FR State Capitol Correspondent Karen Hanretty points out — perhaps this will now create an incentive for the Governor’s campaign to focus on issues to drive up (and equally as importantly TURN OUT) conservative voters.

JERRY LEWIS IS NO CONSERVATIVE, BUT THAT DOESN’T MAKE HIM A CROOK Congressman Jerry Lewis is famously moderate. He is very comfortable, apparently, presiding over the unprecedented growth we have seen in government spending. I only draw this conclusion based on the profligate spending by the Republican… Read More

Jon Fleischman

SDUT Editorial: Slick vs. Obvoious

The editorial page of the San Diego Union Tribune has quickly become a ‘must read’ page for the well-written, provocative opinions that are written there. Certainly no small part of this success comes from the addition of Chris Reed to the editorial board (Chris immigrated to the U-T from the OC Register).

Here is a choice piece from today’s paper:

Slick vs. oblivious: No wonder Democrats are unenthusiastic San Diego Union Tribune Editorial(read it online here)Read More

Barry Jantz

A Blurb to Bilbray

I received a missive from a conservative Republican yesterday, concerned about the prospects of Francine Busby serving in the House. Brief, but to the point. And, 100% correct:

The Bilbray team has to get this message out to pouting Republican voters: 1) This election is essentially about illegal immigration. 2) I am serious about solving the problem, Busby is not. 3) If Busby wins, her victory will send the message to all politicians that the voters are not serious about immigration issues. 4) The result will be for the nation’s border problems to be returned to the back burner — unsolved. 5) If you want the border problems fixed, YOU MUST GET OFF YOUR REAR-END AND VOTE!Read More