A Fiery Farewell
Last night, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay officially retired after 22 years of service in the House of Representatives. He delivered an eloquent farewell speech that reminded all of us still serving in the House why we are here; he defined what in means to be conservative or liberal (the description of which clearly made many liberals uncomfortable); he defended partisanship as being central to the foundations of our republic; and he gave one final plea for action on the issue most important to him – the protection of foster children. I was impressed and so were many of my colleagues, even a few on the other side of the aisle. Here are a few excerpts of his remarks…
Mr. Speaker, Political careers tend to end in one of three ways: defeat, death, or retirement. And despite the fervent and mostly noble exertions of my adversaries over the years, I rise today to bid farewell to this House under the happiest of the… Read More