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ICE Sweep Nabs Criminal Illegals

Of all the ways of attacking the problem of illegal immigration in our country, identifying, arresting and deporting the illegal alien criminal element is the most responsible and noble.

It is a cause that virtually all Americans can get behind.

This week the U. S. Dept. of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) did exactly what they ought to be doing…arrested thousands of illegal aliens who are known criminals. Their plan is to prosecute them, incarcerate them and then deport them once they have done their time..

You’ll notice that this was in no way a Mexican-centered sweep. Illegal alien criminals were arrested that hailed from Columbia, Senegal, China, Poland and my favorite…Cape Verde apparently a country according to the CIA.

From the ICE Press Release:

Houston, Texas – Julie L. Myers, Assistant Secretary for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), today announced that ICE agents and officers have apprehended approximately 2,179 criminal aliens, illegal alien gang… Read More

It’s for the children…

With his decision to support new spending for health care and insurance coverage for illegal alien children, Governor Schwarzenegger has in essence poured a vat of honey on legislative Republicans and pushed them into the grizzly bear habitat.

The Republican members of the State Assembly and Senate are now once again the only thing standing in the way of this poor excuse for public policy. And as Karen Hanretty has already pointed out, they will be on the receiving end of relentless attacks through the rest of the budget process.

The governor has also successfully further alienated the vast majority of voters, regardless of party. Perhaps the Governor doesn’t care about public opinion and good for him. But back in the real world where public opinion matters, especially in an election year, his words are problematic.

Compassion is the word that comes mind after several that the G rated nature of the Flash Report won’t allow me to exclaim. I know some will claim that providing health care to all children is the compassionate thing to… Read More

Today’s Commentary: It’s for the children…

With his decision to support new spending for health care and insurance coverage for illegal alien children, Governor Schwarzenegger has in essence poured a vat of honey on legislative Republicans and pushed them into the grizzly bear habitat.

The Republican members of the State Assembly and Senate are now once again the only thing standing in the way of this poor excuse for public policy. And as Karen Hanretty has already pointed out, they will be on the receiving end of relentless attacks through the rest of the budget process.

The governor has also successfully further alienated the vast majority of voters, regardless of party. Perhaps the Governor doesn’t care about public opinion and good for him. But back in the real world where public opinion matters, especially in an election year, his words are problematic.

**There is more – click the link**Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Assembly Reps are Right to Hold the Line on Health Care for Illegals

The state constitution requires that the legislature pass a budget by June 15, which is today. Will our well-paid, full-time legislature fulfill to its constitutional duty? Not according to the Democrat’s fearless leader, Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez. What’s holding up the budget? According to Nunez, it’s the Republicans’ darned obsession with illegal immigration. The Assembly Reps have said that they won’t vote for the Democrats’ effort to expand the state-funded children’s health programs to include illegal immigrant children.

In the Governor’s revised budget proposal, he added an additional $23 million in general funds and personnel to expand coverage to 24,000 uninsured children of the working poor. According to the Assembly Republican Caucus, the Democrats, in negotiations leading up to a legislative vote, expanded the Healthy Families program to cover illegal immigrants and families of four with annual incomes of about… Read More

Mike Spence

Bilbray and GOP Pork

Club for Growth has a post today on their blog about Brian Bilbray’s about face on the issue on congressional earmarks. They point out what he said in the campaign and his FOUR votes againt ammendments proposed to curtail congressional pork. See post here.

One of the reasons CRA opposed Bilbray in the primary was his past history as a congressman. Despite the many assurances that things would change they didn’t. Business as usual

Bilbray wasn’t alone in continuing these congressional practices. Only Dan Lungren voted for a couple of the ammendments. The rest of the GOP delegation voted four times to protect secret earmarks and pork spending projects. Then they all voted for a bill that had 1500 earmarks.

When Democrats were in power, the GOP stood as the check on uncontrolled wasteful spending. But who will check the GOP???… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Today’s Commentary: Assembly Reps are Right to Hold the Line on Health Care for Illegals

The state constitution requires that the legislature pass a budget by June 15, which is today. Will our well-paid, full-time legislature fulfill to its constitutional duty? Not according to the Democrat’s fearless leader, Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez. What’s holding up the budget? According to Nunez, it’s the Republicans’ darned obsession with illegal immigration. The Assembly Reps have said that they won’t vote for the Democrats’ effort to expand the state-funded children’s health programs to include illegal immigrant children.

In the Governor’s revised budget proposal, he added an additional $23 million in general funds and personnel to expand coverage to 24,000 uninsured children of the working poor. According to the Assembly Republican Caucus, the Democrats, in negotiations leading up to a legislative vote, expanded the Healthy Families program to cover illegal immigrants and families of four with annual incomes of about… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Passing Thoughts While Packing

Here are some thoughts that came to mind as I packed this morning for my vacation:

If I were a poor or homeless person in San Francisco, perhaps now would be the time for me to be upset with the Board of Supervisors in San Francisco. After all, the Board has helped to make The City a Mecca for those seeking to live on government assistance by their extraordinary efforts to redistribute wealth. Their latest? Now they have voted to set aside $2 million to fight the effects of the potential efforts to crack-down on the nation’s criminal alien problem. What kind of a welfare state do we live in when the homeless nationals of other countries soak up all of redistributed wealth? Last night at the OC GOP’s Annual Flag Day Dinner, commentator Dennis Prager pointed out that one of the problems that we have is that the left in America is unprepared to call the phenomenon of Islamo-fascism evil. Prager pointed … Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund: How Reagan Won By Losing

How Reagan Won By Losing (From WSJ’s Political Diary)

Ever since the Young America’s Foundation bought Ronald Reagan’s old ranch near Santa Barbara, it has become almost a shrine to old friends and admirers of the Gipper. History was made there, as visitors can still see the tree stump on which Mr. Reagan signed the 1981 supply-side tax cuts that helped set off a generation of largely uninterrupted economic growth.

History was on the mind of many of the foot soldiers in the Reagan Revolution this past weekend as about 70 of them gathered at the Reagan Ranch for a conference marking the 30th anniversary of Reagan’s 1976 primary challenge of President Jerry Ford. The conference took its inspiration from the recent book by Craig Shirley entitled… Read More