Posted by Adam D. Probolsky at 12:00 am on Jun 28, 2006 4 Comments
The Strickland (for controller) Campaign has released the
results of a new statewide poll conducted by Public Opinion
Strategies (POS) showing Strickland leading Democrat Chiang by
There is no runaway victory waiting for Strickland but this does
mean that if the election were held today, one of the down-ballot
GOP candidates would win.
Conventional wisdom says that the Governor AND McClintock AND
McPherson AND Poizner must win for a candidate like Strickland to
have a shot. While that scenario is exciting to think about,
I believe Strickland’s campaign is unique in that he has better
name ID than most other statewide candidates (Schwarzenegger and
McClintock excluded) and Strickland has an excellent ballot title:
Taxpayer Organization President
When looking only at voters most likely to turn-out in November,
the POS poll shows Strickland’s lead grows to 31% over Chiang’s
Don’t get me wrong, I have not drank the kool aid, I know a
statewide win for a Republican is a huge up-hill battle. But
to start with an advantage shows Strickland may be able to rally
Democrat votes if he has the resources to wage a… Read More