This Week….
Last week, not much work done in the Assembly, both Mondayand Thursday floor sessions canceled.Committees did meet and more needed, quality legislation…cough…was sent onits merry way to its next committee. Budget talks started to de-ice though not enough to make it happen substantively last week.
With the apparent progress onremoving of budget $ going to health care benefits for the childrenof illegal immigrants [another reward for those that break and enter our sovereign nation’s ‘property line’], we can hope for the budget to start to wrap with the constitutional deadline of the 15th long gone,perhaps the ‘fiscal deadline’ of the 30th can be met…as long as Republican principles are met in this process. These werestated very well by Jennifer Nelson in her Budget Priority post previously on the 21st: -Drop this new inappropriate expansion of government of illegal immy health benefits from this budget proposal -Pay down debt with this one-time windfall ‘surplus’ money, [first, in my opinion, preferably to repay $ filched from the voter passed Prop 42 Trans fund…eliminate… Read More