Princes rebel against Emperor Villaraigosa’s school plan. What should GOP do?
The Mayors of Carson and Rancho Palos Verdes want out of LA Unified. Can you blame them?
Also six southeast LA Countycities oppose Villaraigosa’s plan. See article here. What should Republicans do with the plan? That is easy–they should oppose it.
You don’t even even have to get political and avoid helping the Dem 2010 nominee for Governor. (If Arnold wins)
This public policy is horrible because instead of breaking this disctrict up—-no one will be accountable. The school board really won’t be, either will the Council of Mayors and CTA supports the bill beause teachers aren’t accountable either. Brilliant. Instead of taking the time to breakup and reform the LAUSD monster , we will let it run wild a few years (After 2010)and then let everyone blame someone else.
Godspeed the Mayors of Carson and Rancho Palos Verdes. Free the children!… Read More