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Mike Spence

Rosemead Recall is Really on or is it?

Sept 19 was the date set for the recall of two of three remaing pro- Wal-Mart council members in Rosemead. See last post on Rosemead here.However, there is an outstanding court case that may screech this to a haly again. See here. This kind of election bring out all kinds of wackiness. The targets of the recall voted to ban all outdoor smoking and ant- Wal-Mart types are looking at everything Wal-Mart is doing on the building site. See here.

Of course for me the ironic part is that the election will take place after theGrand Opening of the Wal-Mart which, could put an anti- Wal-Mart council in charge of spending the tax revenue Wal-Mart produces. Only in California.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

No Commentary Today – Suggested blogs?

There is no commentary today. The main page has been updated with today’s California political news. I am getting ready to revamp the links to blogs on California politics on the site, so send along any suggestions of places that you visit that you think should be linked on our Blog Roll. Have a great day! Jon

Care to read comments, or make your own about today’s Daily Commentary?

Just click here to go to the FR Weblog, where this Commentary has its own blog post, and where you can read and make comments.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Recall Brewing in Oceanside

Paperwork has been filed with the Oceanside City Clerk to recall Councilwoman Esther Sanchez, no surprise to anyone watching the divided city council and the brazenness of the council majority the last few years. Read the North County Times story here.

Calling Sanchez the "power behind the throne," Lawson Chadwick is leading the recall charge, to the dismay of the San Diego Democratic Party, which is considering removing him from his seat on that body as a result. So much for the First Amendment.

Some other folks signing the initial recall paperwork include political consulting partners Jack Orr and Mary Azevedo. Last Sunday, I noted Jack’s lack of fear in challenging the Oceanside troika of Sanchez, Mayor Jim Wood, and Councilwoman Shari Mackin. He proves it here.

The recallers will need to collect at least 10,680 signatures in 160 days.

Attached below is the intent to circulate petition.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Hegyi, Hopper and Fat Albert

You can blame Tony Strickland for Controller Campaign Manager Paul Hegyi for the brief commentary this morning. Paul, who hails from Sacramento was down in Sacramento (he is also Assemblyman Van Tran’s Chief of Staff). FR Managing Editor Nicholas Romero and I took Paul to see Bill Cosby perform at the Orange County Fair, and the evening went quite late from there. Paul was excited to share that early polling shows Strickland ahead of his opponent — which is a great place to start given the significant voter-registration advantage that Democrats enjoy over Republicans here in the Golden State. We’ll be spending a lot of time between now and November talking about the real potential in the State Controller’s race for a GOP win. FR friend Martyn Hopper is the State Director of the National Federation of Independent Business for… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Hegyi, Hopper and Fat Albert

You can blame Tony Strickland for Controller Campaign Manager Paul Hegyi for the brief commentary this morning. Paul, who hails from Sacramento was down in Sacramento (he is also Assemblyman Van Tran’s Chief of Staff). FR Managing Editor Nicholas Romero and I took Paul to see Bill Cosby perform at the Orange County Fair, and the evening went quite late from there. Paul was excited to share that early polling shows Strickland ahead of his opponent — which is a great place to start given the significant voter-registration advantage that Democrats enjoy over Republicans here in the Golden State. We’ll be spending a lot of time between now and November talking about the real potential in the State Controller’s race for a GOP win. FR friend Martyn Hopper is the State Director of the National Federation of Independent Business for… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Pombo’s Happy Day

The FlashReport congratulates Congressman Richard Pombo (R-Tracy) on the apparent decision by national Democrats to drop their nominee, Jerry McNerney, in Congressional District 11.

This intel comes from ace political reporter Hank Shaw at the Stockton Record on his blog (which doesn’t have its own URL but try this linkthen click on Hank’s blog).

Of course, credit for this has to be split three ways. Pombo gets credit for running hard. Then there is the unlucky Dems whose ideal candidate lost the primary. Finally you can’t leave out the smart people who created a Congressional District boundary that was made to elect and keep electing a Republican…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Mulholland Benched – Angelides’ Keystone Cops

It appears Angelides had enough out of Mulholland after last week’s comments comparing the Governor to Kim Jong-Il. So, now Mulholland’s been benched for long-time Democratic Party operatives Roger Salazar and Steve Maviglio.

Roger Salazar has already been popping up with quotes and press releases attacking the Governor. Steve Maviglio, who now works for Speaker Fabian Nunez, has been brought on temporarily to help Brian Brokaw set up a "rapid response" system for Angelides’ communications shop. I can think of no worse job than defending $10 billion in tax increases…rapidly.

It’s only July but Angelides is already reaching deep into the veteran bag of Democratic Party operatives to help his struggling campaign staff.

Salazar is fresh off of the Rocky "did anyone see who was driving the freight train who ran us over" Delgadillo campaign and Maviglio… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Fresno County Sheriff – It’s OVER

Back on June 6th I did a final prediction / wrap up on the Fresno County Sheriff’s race, where I predicted that retired CHP officer Cal Minor would get 38% of the vote and that Colleen Mestas, backed by Congressman George Radanovich, would finish second with 23%. I was wrong.

Minor received 37.35% of the vote and liberal Democrat Margaret Mimms scored 27.89%. Mestas was a distant 4th, at 13.47%. Mestas, ever the team player, has endorsed Minor.

Now, we actually have a dream matchup. Republican Cal Minor versus Democrat Margaret Mimms. And in this bright red county, where even the Democrats are to the right of many Republicans (Westly got 59% in the Demo primary for Governor) , it looks like a walk for Cal Minor in November. He’ll win with 58% of the vote to 42% for Mimms, as the County Republicans and like minded voters overwhelmingly come our for State Senator Chuck Poochigian, Tom McClintock, Governor Arnold and others.

Game over.… Read More