Angelides: He wants to tax EVERYTHING
Last month in the Napa Valley, I had a chance to meet a lot of interesting people while participating as a panelist at a California Chamber of Commerce post-primary retreat. One of those people was Democrat operative Darry Sragow. I found him to be quite interesting. A bit more subdued than I thought he would be – at least as he came across at this event. Then again, given that his audience was mostly Republicans… I bring up Sragow because he is apparently gifted with the ability to understate the obvious. Today in the Sacramento Bee is a story entitled, "Campaign 2006: For Angelides, the path ahead is mostly uphill," in which Sragow is quoted:
"People inside politics are looking at Arnold racing downfield with the ball and they’re asking, ‘How is Angelides going to tackle him before he gets to the end zone?’ " said Democratic political consultant Darry Sragow. "There is no question Angelides has to get some tracking and find some way to build some momentum." … Read More