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Jon Fleischman

Abel’s Big Mouth Makes the CDP Website

Kudos to the folks at the California Democrat Party for making me giggle. A friend sent me a link to their website, where you see this graphic, linked to the now-infamous LA Times article where Maldo bashes the Governor. Classic.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: “Pinnochio” Bilbray?

If you haven’t already, I suggest that you look at the post by the FlashReport’s Los Angeles Area Correspondent, Mike Spence, who has posted something very disturbing. Last week, Congressman Brian Bilbray voted to override President Bush’s veto on using government funds to finance stem cell research. We can have a whole debate about whether that was a good or bad vote on policy grounds. But that is NOT the disturbing part.

Apparently, as Bilbray was in the battle of his life to win election to the House in the special election in CD 50, Bilbray filled out a questionnaire for the National Right to Life Committee. Not only did he check a box saying he would not vote to override a stem-cell veto, but, well – here is an excerpt from Spence’s piece: Big deal except, Bilbray promised that he would support the President’s policy IN WRITING. Again, attached is the questionnaire.

Look at question number four.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Arnold’s Bus Tour Rolls Into East San Diego County

I’ll post more on this later, as I’m off to a city council meeting (hey, what do you want for free….we’re volunteer bloggers, not reporters….although sometimes were better than some reporters).

But I did want to get some photos up of Arnold’s campaign stop in lil’ old La Mesa’s Harry Griffin Parkthis morning. More on this "Town Hall in the Park" later.

Below are photos ofLa Mesa Mayor Art Madrid, San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders, and the Gov engaging the crowd……

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Jon Fleischman

Arnold pulls a flip flop on 187

When Proposition 187 was on the California Ballot in 1994 (you’ll remember it as the measure to cut off government services for foreign nationals illegally in California), Arnold Schwarzenegger apparently supported the measure.

Today in an interview posted on the La Opinion website (click through here and you can click on the audio file), the Governor says (about his decision to support 187) "I think, looking back, if was the wrong decision."

Sigh. If I have my facts wrong, someone let me know or post a comment.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

“Pinnochio” Bilbray?

If you haven’t already, I suggest that you look at the post by the FlashReport’s Los Angeles Area Correspondent, Mike Spence, who has posted something very disturbing. Last week, Congressman Brian Bilbray voted to override President Bush’s veto on using government funds to finance stem cell research. We can have a whole debate about whether that was a good or bad vote on policy grounds. But that is NOT the disturbing part.

Apparently, as Bilbray was in the battle of his life to win election to the House in the special election in CD 50, Bilbray filled out a questionnaire for the National Right to Life Committee. Not only did he check a box saying he would not vote to override a stem-cell veto, but, well – here is an excerpt from Spence’s piece: Big deal except, Bilbray promised that he would support the President’s policy IN WRITING. Again, attached is the questionnaire.

Look at questionRead More

Probolsky (me) Joins Faculty of: Project for California’s Future

I am honored to have been named the newest member of the faculty for the Project for California’s Future.

The Project was founded in 2001 by Sam Hardage (who I first met back in the early 90s) and Ron Nehring (chairman of the SD GOP and Vice Chairman of the CA GOP). It is the only organization dedicated to providing campaign training to conservatives in California.

Having trained hundreds of activists and candidates and elected officials, the the Project continues to hold training seminars throughout the state.

Upcoming seminars include: Campaign Communications School in Fresno and Campaign Management School in Redding. Please visit for more information.

In my capacity as a member of the faculty, I will certainly speak on public opinion, targeting and media. But I also hope to inject some vigor into training about fund raising, a subject with which conservatives often have a hard time.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Phil Angelides IS a tax hike. Off to the DMV. Flash in the OC Buzz.

This November, you will have a ton of opportunities to vote to raise your taxes. We’ll be looking more closely at all of these in the coming weeks and months. Today’s issue of USA Today has a story on the effort to raise the state’s cigarette tax by 300%! While most of us don’t smoke, it is important that we all stand tall against this heinous attempt to raise taxes. If you don’t stand up to this tax hike, then who will stand up when the next tax hike hits YOU? Of course, I think it is important to remember that the biggest ‘tax hike’ on the November ballot isn’t a measure, it is a person. Democrat Gubernatorial nominee Phil Angelides has promised to raise taxes all over the map. There is not one Californian who would be immune from his quest to grow the size and scope of state government. Clearly this is someone who thinks that the liberals and bureaucrats in Sacramento can spend your money better than you can. Vote no on the tax hikes (including the bonds) and vote no on Phil Angelides! Today in the Orange County Register’s Weekly "Buzz" column, he makes mention of my move to the … Read More

Mike Spence

Liar! Liar! Brian Bilbray’s Pants are on Fire!

UPDATE: 07-28-06 FROM JON FLEISCHMAN: I have had a couple of e-mail dialogues with Brian Bilbray’s Press Secretary, and sent an email to Congressman Bilbray’s personal e-mail account that has gone unanswered. I guess his choosing to answer this ‘challenge’ is going to have to be taken as a de fact admission that Bilbray lied to pro-life conservatives in order to get elected to office, and then totally changed his position once elected. So now the issue isn’t stem-cell research, it is honesty and integrity. Brian Bilbray, in not responding, is basically saying, "Yep, I lied – tough!" If someone doesn’t have theirRead More