Posted by Jon Fleischman at 12:00 am on Jul 25, 2006 Comments Off on “Pinnochio” Bilbray?
If you haven’t already, I suggest that you look at the post by
the FlashReport’s Los Angeles Area Correspondent, Mike
Spence, who has posted something very disturbing. Last week,
Congressman Brian Bilbray voted to override President Bush’s veto
on using government funds to finance stem cell research. We
can have a whole debate about whether that was a good or bad vote
on policy grounds. But that is NOT the disturbing part.
Apparently, as Bilbray was in the battle of his life to win
election to the House in the special election in CD 50, Bilbray
filled out a questionnaire for the National Right to Life
Committee. Not only did he check a box saying he would not
vote to override a stem-cell veto, but, well – here is an excerpt
from Spence’s piece:
Big deal except, Bilbray promised that he would support the
President’s policy IN WRITING. Again, attached is the
Look at
question… Read More