Full Disclosure
As an advocate of full disclosure and no other restrictions on campaign finance I am posting my major donor report that will be filed with the Secretary of State today.
For those people who find money in politics to be distasteful or corrupting I say too bad. Free speech is our right and I literally put my money where my mouth is.
No longer can you simply stand in the park and recite your grievances with the government and have an impact. Supporting good candidates and issue is the way we do it today–don’t villanize me for speaking my mind.
People who have problems with money in politics don’t understand why some people give to politics. My motivation is often times helping friends. For instance, my good friend Steve Vargas is running for city council in Brea. He was on the council several years ago and now he is ready to serve another round for the residents there. I have given him $2500 so far and fully expect… Read More