Ulterior motives
The Schwarzenegger campaign is pushing a story about how Angelides should refund some of the contributions he has received from doctors because they might have given the money after reading an email from some lawyers. That is as much of the story anyone needs to know.
But you can read John Howard’s story in the Capitol Weekly if you care to.
There are so many knocks on Angelides, it not very smart to attack him for something outside of his control. For instance I don’t think the Governor should return any contributions he might have received from Mel Gibson just because Gibson is a drunk driver and an anti-Semite.
I don’t care if someone wrote a check to the Angelides campaign at gun point. Unless they ask for the money back, I would recommend against it.
It is not the responsibility of the candidate to know the motivation of his donors. Some donors give because they like the guy, others give because they want something. It doesn’t matter as long as the candidate doesn’t make any promises for getting the money.… Read More