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Jon Fleischman

Paul Jacobs to Legislature: I dare you to try and loosen term limits in CA…

[Update: (3:40 p.m.) – I just got off of the phone with Paul Jacob — and he is definately committed to fighting any effort to loosen term limits. You can hear the resolve in his voice. – Flash] I have said before that I think it is very unlikely that any ballot measure would pass muster with the California to loosen term-limits for State Legislators. Unlikely, in my opinion, shifts to down-right impossible if that measure is not only placed on the ballot BY legislators, but also EXTENDS THE TERMS of current members of the legislature. That will appear so self-serving to the public that it might eclipse the debate completely.

Well, the ante has just been upped considerably for legislators thinking about noodling with the voter-imposed limits — today in Sacramento, U.S. Term Limits President Paul Jacob… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego

The Escondido Councilmembers Respond…well, some of ’em… Last Sunday I noted the SDUT editorial chastising Escondido as a poster city on Kelo abuse, and invited the city council to let me know what, exactly, they were thinking. Emails of my post were dispatched to each of them.

Two, thus far, have responded. Coincidentally, Marie Waldron and Ed Gallo were the two votes against the taking…no response from Mayor Lori Holt Pfeiler or Councilmen Ron Newman and Sam Abed. Here’s what the anti-Kelo minority had to say:

Barry: Marie and I were the 2 dissenting votes. My exact comment at the Council meeting was that "this is much like the Kelo decision". The owners of the Lowe’s project property are working to purchase the taco shop and hopefully an agreement will be reached shortly. -Ed GalloRead More

Barry Jantz

Crackers: The Sequel…Starring Jay La Suer

Some thought my post yesterday didn’t do enough to differentiate Governor Schwarzenegger from Senator Perata on the crackers controversy, although it did directly link to a SDUT article with a comment from the Gov’s staff.

Ok, fine, here’s the comment from the UT directly, powerful, unlinked, unadorned, and un-editorialized:

Adam Mendelsohn, a Schwarzenegger spokesman, said, “The governor could not disagree more with Senator Perata’s comments.

One of the most hitting statements in response to Perata came from Assemblyman Jay La Suer, who represents God’s crackers living in the area visited by Arnold last week and ridiculed by Perata this. A cracker jack of a release:Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Guv visits NorCal firefighters

Friday, Governor Schwarzenegger flew up to the North State to spend some time recognizing area firefighters for their work (click here for photos). There have been several outbreaks in forested areas [good thing they aren’t all "roadless" so our fire crews can get at the fires…oops, did I say that?] The challenge [so far] was the Junction Fire in Trinity County, just west of Weaverville which is west of Redding about 50 miles. Thedifficulty here was to keep the fire from sweeping through Weaverville as had happened to over 20 structuresand homes during a big firein 2001. This blaze came from farther west and had a wind pushing it towards town, just a couple miles away, even shutting down Hwy 299. The quick work of the CDF units in the area and others drawn in from other north state CDF units, combined with the local departments, volunteers from Weaverville, Junction City, Douglas City, Salyer, Lewiston andseveralRead More

Duane Dichiara


The Ventura Republican Party has a long history of divisive internal fighting between its component factions. These divisions have undermined the core missions of the VCRP – registering voters, recruiting, training, and deploying precinct captains, recruiting candidates, and raising money. The opportunity of uniting the two major factions usually only occurs every few years. One of those rare alignments, when the Ventura civil war could at long last end and allow the party organization to play a meaningful role in local politics, is upon us.

In 2000 Jackie Rodgers was elected Chairman of the Ventura County Republican Party. By any standard, and from any perspective, Rodgers proved incapable of understanding or implementing basic programs which are the heart of a county organization. However, she was very effective at alienating both Republican officials and her own committee members. In 2002, facing a nearly united committee, Rodgers resigned in advance of being sacked.

Suddenly the stars were in alignment. The factions were at least loosely aligned in wanting reform and an effective organization. Long-time activist Leslie Cornejo was elected Chairman.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Fiction Not Fact: Feinstein is a Centrist

Virtually every day, my friend Bill Bradley pens a column and then some on California politics. He does this over at his New West Notes Dot Com website. In the coming weeks, we’ll be talking more about Bradley.

That said, in his piece today, Bill inadvertently touched off a pet-peeve of mine. Today he glosses over the Field Poll results, to see how both candidates and ballot measures are fairing as we are about 100 days out from the election.

In his very brief descriptions of Dianne Feinstein and Dick Mountjoy in the US Senate race, he calls Feinstein a “centrist” and Mountjoy a “right winger.”

First and foremost, he is more or less correct about Mountjoy. Dick and I have know each other for nearly twenty years. He is a conservative’s conservative.

But how can ANYONE call Dianne Feinstein a centrist?? Give me a break. She is, in fact, one of the most liberal members of the United States Senate, regulalrly supporting increases in taxes, and expanding government programs — opposing any proposed reduction in federal spending with a passion. Her ratings by the various taxpayer groups that monitor votes in the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Angelides endorses another tax increase, another government bureaucracy. Surprised? You shouldn’t be…

For those paying close attention to the race for California Governor, there has been a lot of criticism heaped on the candidacy of Treasurer Phil Angelides for failing to have any consistency message or theme throughout his campaign. Actually, all along, one of the reasons why the Schwarzenegger campaign has been so successful in defining Angelides’ campaign is because they have, in fact, discover the single consistent theme of the Governor’s Democrat opponent: Phil Angelides cannot help but support tax increases. Not some of them – ALL of them. So it really isn’t that surprising or newsworthy that yesterday, the Democrat nominee for Governor endorsed Proposition 89, which imposes yet another tax on Californians — this time he is embracing a corporate tax increase (of course, FR readers understand that a tax on companies simply means that the products and/or services provided by that company will increase costs to we, the consumers). Of course, every one of Phil’s calls for a tax increase comes with support for yet another program to increase the size and scope of California government. In this case,… Read More

Barry Jantz

Notes from a La Mesa Cracker

Now that I see Don Perata is in the mix, re-stating the media’s oft-reported but incorrect contention that there were "several" strident opponents of illegal immigration "angrily confronting" the governor at his La Mesa Town Hall stop last week (in the SDUT this morning, for one),I thought I should weigh in.

As I have noted before, here, I was there. Although there were a relatively few folks (like two, as I remember) who "angrily" questioned the Gov on some serious issues — after he clearly indicated that any line of questioning was acceptable — this was not a hostile crowd, not by a longshot.

Further, my guess is that although many in the crowd did not agree completely or at all with Arnold’s position on illegal immigration, they listened to his answers completely and politely,applauding throughout. The media have now created a fact about the hostility ofthe crowd… Read More