Today’s Commentary: GOP Convention: Positions on Bond Measures will Define the GOP
Your trusty FlashReport Publisher has been to every State GOP Convention since 1988 and I can tell you that as far as these events go, this one is perhaps one of the most sparsely attended gatherings to which I have ever been. Why is the attendance so low? First and foremost, it is a weekend in August, which traditionally is vacation time for many people. That has been a factor with a number of people who told me ahead of time that they would not be here. But the "I’m on vacation" cases do feed into a bigger set of folks who are not here. Those people, and I have spoken to a lot of them, just did not feel like making participation in this convention a priority. This is not an indicator of support or lack of support for the Governor or the GOP ticket — but, it is an indicator of depth and intensity of support. Understand that the people to whom I am referring are not average Republican voters, but rather these are among the 1400 members of the Republican State Central Committee — leaders within the party. Our Party Chairman Duf Sundheim and other GOP big wheels such Californians for Schwarzenegger Campaign Manager Steve… Read More