Today’s Commentary: CA Dems Launch New Website – They Ask: “How Phil Wins?” – We ask, “How Arnold Wins?”
Early this morning, at midnight, a group of ultra-liberal California Democrat operatives – Steve Maviglio, Jason Kinney, and Roger Salazar – launched a new blogsite that is supposed to be the left’s answer to… well, this website! They have amassed an impressive array of Donkey operatives (see the attachment) and should be producing quite a bit of content… You can be sure that we (that would be me and the FR blog team) will be keeping an eye on them! This site has been up for nearly a year now, and has been starving for some company. A clear contrast between the failed liberal policies of the Democrat Party and the solid, sound principles of conservatism will show that, by and large, Republicans are right and Democrats are wrong! I have actually had a few chats over some months with the development team of their new site, the California Majority Report (CMR), in terms of giving them some logistical advice. I would have tried to offer some policy advice as… Read More