Cautious Optimism and the Usual Bullhockey From The CRP Convention
For 11 years I never missed a CRP Convention, but when I termed out as the Treasurer of the Party in 2001 I began attending only sporadically. I came down to LA this weekend to fulfill my duties as a member of the Executive and Rules Committees and to see my good friend, and your humble publisher, Jon Fleischman. I also wanted to attend the Lincoln Clubs Breakfast which just concluded and say hello to good friends there.
In general, not much of substance takes place at these gatherings. They are primarily social affairs, and it is great fun to see old friends and political staffers, consultants, etc. There is the usual inside baseball activity in Initiatives and other committees, but this convention is very light on all the usual machinations. At this convention, all the action is in the initiatives committee, where the Governor’s bond issues will be debated.
The Friday Executive Committee luncheon was keynoted by former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore, and while is speech was peppered with the usual, albeit long ago forgotten, Reaganesque principles, after about the fourth "we must do this, and we must do that" I came to my senses and… Read More