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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Sine Die

We’re in the homestretch of making top quality legislation for this 2 year session. Much scurrying about with last minute gut-and-amends, rule waivers being sought, bills with no committee hearings…a very perilous time for any topic you may be interested in that is still in play legislatively. It seems that no bill is dead, even when pronounced so by Big 4 folks because it changes the next day and is back on the table. With all the negotiations going on in the back rooms on various topics, we need everyone to stay on top of this legislature to not give away the store on some really bad ideas at the minute before midnight,and then run for cover in our respective districts until January. Indeed, as bad as the wheeling and dealing appears on some very critical issues,when the Legislature adjourns this Thursday 12AM, sine die, or "without day", the constitutional term for "GO HOME", it will be a good thing for freedom loving Californians.… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Signing SB 1441 a “Susan Kennedy” Moment

I just about fell out of my chair about 10 minutes ago. This Governor signed SB 1441, a perfectly hideous bill, so out of the mainstream of social thought that one has to wonder what the calculation is, exactly. What is the political purpose? Are there minions of newly energized transvestites now going to push Arnold over the top in November? Probably not one tenth of the number of conservatives that will stay home in this election, in effect saying "to hell with it".

You can view a summary of the bill here, but I have to tell everyone bothering to read this, including the Governor’s fundraisers, to quit calling because I ain’t coming and I ain’t giving. I can understand triangulation, but this is the freaking gutter. Had you worked the minimum wage deal and this bill signing into the text of the Governor’s speech last… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Single Payer + Drivers License’s…again

The Dems are caucusing right now, probably trying to grind out the last few votes for the ‘gutted-and amended’ drivers license for illegal immigrants, now known as SB 1162. It is ‘on call’ right now with 35 aye votes and 32 no. I reckon it might be a little warm in the members lounge right now [where the Dems caucus] I’m sure they are covering a multitude of things, maybe the LA mayor takeover of LAUSD. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosahas been around all day, he arrived in the garage same time as I, this AM. SB 1162 up until last Thursday, was a minimum wage increase bill, but ‘minor and technical amendments’made it the drivers license one now.

And an earlier highlight was Single Payer Health Care, SB 840, passing by 43-30. Look out all you Single people, you have to pay for everyone’s health care now!… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego

Luce and Hunter will not be forgotten…. The GOP, the San Diego Community and the nation lost two Republican icons this past week with the deaths of Gordon Luce on Monday and R.O. Hunter yesterday.

A civic powerhouse, bank executive Luce served as a cabinet member in Governor Ronald Reagan’s administration and as State Party Chairman in 1974. He headed Great American Bank for 21 years, instrumental in the growth and development of San Diego.

Mr. Hunter in recent years was known by many as Congressman Duncan Hunter’s father.Yet, it was the elder Hunter that once "retired" to give a year of his life free-of-charge to the national GOP, assisting in the developmentofprecinct and outreach programs. A WWII Marine veteran, he was also regarded as the mastermind behind son Duncan’s 1980 upset defeat of Congressman Lionel Van Deerlin in what was regarded a safe Democratic seat.

My deep regrets are extended to the Luce and Hunter… Read More

Mike Spence

Shameless Plugs

Mike Sprague the able political writer for the Whittier Daily News and San Gabriel Valley Tribune pens his Saturday political column. The column is important beacuse it mentions me and the infamous Bill Leonard moment at the CRP Convention and FR’s Winners and Losers column. See here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: 2006 Golden Trash Can Award: An Orange County Scandal

THE 2006 LEGISLATIVE GOLDEN TRASHCAN AWARD GOES TO… The final days of the 2006 legislative session are upon us, with hundreds of pieces of questionable legislation being negotiated and bartered about as the days turn to hours before no more bills can be passed on to the Governor. This year, the FlashReport is awarding its Golden TrashCan Award to Assembly Bill 523, that would change California State Law to allow the scheme of a former Orange County Congressman to come true — subsidizing a public television station with a de facto gift of millions of dollars – at the expense many thousands of Community College students…


Barry Jantz

Don’t bookmark your Agenda with a VRWC Membership Card

Reports of Wednesday’s blow up on the Assembly floor over still more domestic partnership legislation has further lionized members like Dennis Mountjoy and Jay La Suer — with conservatives, at least — while demonizing them with the left.Thursday’s SDUT story has La Suer calling the debated bill a “part of the homosexual agenda.”

Not surprisingly, his office has received a few phone calls as a result. Some of those callers are demanding to know if La Suer’s staff has a copy of the Homosexual Agenda. Realizing they were going to get nowhere with a rational answer, Jay’s trusty staff started telling callers they didn’t have a hardbound copy.

I think the appropriate answer might be, "No we don’t, but would you like to see my official Vast Right Wing Conspiracy membership card?"

For the record, calls and emails to La Suer’s office are tallying at least 4-1 in… Read More

Mike Spence

GOP HQ under attack! Is it a hate crime?

I’ve written in thge past about the huge GOP Headquarters in Whittier. See here.I guess others thought it was a big target as well. There has been an increasing amount vandalism directed at the headquarters. See article here.

Two thoughts.

One. Why doesn’t the legislature create a hate-crime bill for political parties. Vandalism is worse when directed at political speech than at any other business? Right? Of course I’m kidding, but that is the logic of creating special classes of crimes. But lawmakers continue to value some people more than others.

Two. People in the area don’t know if the vandalism is political or not. One thing is for sure. IF these people are voters, they would vote for Jerry Brown for Attorney General. Agreed?… Read More