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Jennifer Nelson

Today’s Commentary: From The Terminator to The Regulator

Here was my Thursday: two kids with fevers, the water heater went out, my husband is out of town and I nearly got a concussion when I knocked my head on a header board in our basement. I’ve been grumpy all day (I’m writing Friday’s commentary on Thursday night) but it is not because of these personal problems…it’s a Sacramento problem and his name is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The rap on the governor has always been that he’s a Chamber of Commerce Republican: socially more liberal than the rank-and-file party members, but rock solid on the economy and job-killing legislation.

Well, here’s what the Chamber of Commerce had to say about the governor’s deal with the Democrats on the global warming bill:

"The California-only, mandatory climate change regulations that… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa


You’re safe til January folks! Well sort of….… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Other dumb bill results

AB 2948, The Democrats "We’re StillApoplectic ThatGeorge W. Bush Won in 2000" bill passed 48-30.It wouldfurther shift Electoral College power away from what those "pesky" Founders thought would be fair to small states and rural areas, in presidential elections. This proposal even more so marginalizes places like theNorth State and boils the campaign down to the 11 most populated states having the number of Electors to decide the presidential election under this bizarre coalition. What if the 11 biggest states are all "blue" ones?

The bill, SB 1578, requiring dog owners to not tetherdogs for more than 3 hours at a time [the subject of numerous calls from farmers, ranchers, people with dogs and without huge yards] was stopped temporarily 40-33, with reconsideration today.

A bill [SB 927]to tax $30, every container that goes in and out of Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach scraped by 42-35, putting California exports at a further disadvantage and raising the costs of all the imported stuff to consumers.

A "locomotive air impact mitigation fee",SB 459, for the South Coast was… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

AB 32: Economy’s Slaughterhouse Just Around the Bend

AB 32, just heard in Assembly Natural Resources Committee, on which I serve as ViceChair, was just sent on it’s merry way to our Floor on aparty line vote. This is the first shot that Republican Assembly members had to be heardon this bill in it’sformative and final stages. It’s been all over the map and has come down to just a very few negotiating these terms without our input nor the true stakeholders.The bill was introduced on the very first day of this 2 yearsession, Dec 6, 2004 [the day before PearlHarbor Day]and here we are at the last possible moment of sessionshoving it through in this manner of process. This could have such far reaching effects on every aspect of our economy, it makes one shudder, as things could get very precarious economically. Most business and industry groups are opposed but a few havegulped the Flavor-Aid.

Oh well, us sheepall get to deal with it…I’ll let you know when it hits our Floor.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A picture is worth a thousand words…

Why are these women protesting John Garamendi? Stories are here, here and here.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

-sigh-Minimum Wage bill PASSES

Less entry level jobs, more mechanization and outsourcing = $8.00 per hour minimum wage by Jan 1 2008. [$7.50 by Jan 1 2007]… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bill To Reimburse Counties Passes Senate

AB 1634 (McCarthy) that I wrote about yesterday (it’s the legislation that would reimburse counties for their costs incurred in last year’s special election) passed out of the Senate! Now it goes over to the Assembly where hopefully, in between passing onerous regulations on every facet of California business, the Democrats over there will schedule it for a vote and pass it!… Read More

Mike Spence

Governor inconsistency. Global Warming and Illegal Immigration.

No two issues show the Governor’s inconsistency better than global warming and illegal immigration. Some political observers will say who cares as long as his polls numbers are high etc… If power is your only goal than so be it. But let’s look at these issues. The Governor makes a deal with Democrats on“greenhouse gases”. Clearly this is a national or a world issue. The Governor even talked with British Prime Minister Tony Blair about it. His deal will cost consumers money and cost California businesses jobs, but to the Governor that isn’t a problem. When speaking about illegal immigration, the governor always says the federal government isn’t doing their job and the federal government needs to solve the problem. Arnold of course makes the problem worse by wanting to provide health care and education to millions of illegals at taxpayer expense. (I know he has so far vetoed the license bill and … Read More