Schwarzenegger Is Pushing This Republican Into The Undecided Column
I don’t recall even being in a situation where the closer Election Day gets, the less likely I am to vote for the GOP nominee.
Yet, that is where I find myself vis-a-vis Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I’m one of many conservatives who voted for Arnold in the recall, despite my preference for Tom McClintock. I found the prospect of Cruz Bustamante in the governor’s office horrifying and wasn’t convinced McClintock could win. The stakes so too high I though it prudent to back the Republican with the best chance of winning, and so I cast my vote for Arnold. Like other conservatives, I comforted myself with the rumor we’d heard for years that Arnold was really a libertarian. So, although he was squishy on the social issues, at least he’d be hard core on taxes, spending and freedom issues. After all, he was a Milton Friedman fan!
But ever since the Governor’s nauseating policy of apologizing for the special election of 2005, it’s been steadily more difficult to assembly a conservative Republican rationale for supporting his re-election.
He’s signed a non-aggression pact with the government employee… Read More