City of San Diego – By the Numbers (And a Little Karl Marx)
Datamar Inc. released a survey of San Diego City this morning that should put to rest a few questions. I’ve been pretty hard on the accuracy of Datamar in the past (they use an automated system), but the last few polls I’ve seen have started matching more traditional surveys. This poll in particular hits the truth pretty squarely between the eyes.
Point 1: Reformers who are seen as willing to buck the system are popular. Republican Mayor Sanders, in his calm and re-assuring way, Democrat City Attorney Mike Aguirre, in his shrill and disquieting way, and Democrat Donna Frye, in her off-the-cuff but probably honest way are all popular for the same reason. All are willing to stand up against what voters view as a corrupt, self-serving city establishment that includes the ring of politicians, civil servants, union bosses, and other special interests that got the city in this mess to start with. The Mayor’s positives are 79.1%, the City Attorney is at 63.8%, the Councilwoman 54.8% (Frye’s question was a bit different and probably led to a lower number). Note to politicians or aspiring politicians: the are periods of time when it’s good to be… Read More