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9/11 Conspiracy Theorists Teaching At California Public Universities

Some of you may have seen Drudge‘s recent headline, "Fury as academics claim 9/11 was ‘inside job.’" I read it intrigued, as I always am, by these people who have a need to believe in more complicated versions of events. There’s this psychological demand in each one of them that "facts" exist to fit their worldview. They have to believe that President Bush, Prime Minister Blair, the CIA, and the United States military-industrial complex conspired to commit bloodshed in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania or the rest of their worldview won’t line up. They’ll actually experience cognitive dissonance for defending bin Laden, al Qaeda, Arafat, Hamas, Hezbollah, Ahmadinejad, Gaddafi, Chavez, Castro and others if they can’t point the finger at Bush et al for every one of the world’s ills. It’s beyond cynicism. It’s a pathology.

I’ve read the enthralling 9/11Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Steve Schmidt for Governor?

I don’t know the guy at all, but I REALLY appreciate him helping our down-ticket GOP candidates (see Jon’s posting). Am I the only one wondering why Rudy Giuliani can make it California to help out Tom McClintock, Chuck Poochigian and Tony Strickland when Arnold Schwarzenegger couldn’t find the time to appear with these guys at the state’s GOP convention last month? Maybe I’m judging the governor too harshly and after bill signing is over, he’ll come out to help our down-ticket candidates in a big way. (I’d love to see Schwarzenegger shine a little of his movie-star light on badly Jerry Brown has failed to deal with Oakland‘s crime problem and why he shouldn’t be promoted to be the state’s… Read More

Duane Dichiara

City of San Diego – By the Numbers (And a Little Karl Marx)

Datamar Inc. released a survey of San Diego City this morning that should put to rest a few questions. I’ve been pretty hard on the accuracy of Datamar in the past (they use an automated system), but the last few polls I’ve seen have started matching more traditional surveys. This poll in particular hits the truth pretty squarely between the eyes.

Point 1: Reformers who are seen as willing to buck the system are popular. Republican Mayor Sanders, in his calm and re-assuring way, Democrat City Attorney Mike Aguirre, in his shrill and disquieting way, and Democrat Donna Frye, in her off-the-cuff but probably honest way are all popular for the same reason. All are willing to stand up against what voters view as a corrupt, self-serving city establishment that includes the ring of politicians, civil servants, union bosses, and other special interests that got the city in this mess to start with. The Mayor’s positives are 79.1%, the City Attorney is at 63.8%, the Councilwoman 54.8% (Frye’s question was a bit different and probably led to a lower number). Note to politicians or aspiring politicians: the are periods of time when it’s good to be… Read More

Table for two OUTSIDE please.

And the Garden Grove City Council said let there be daylight…and there was daylight. And the Garden Grove City Council said let there be stars in the sky…and there were stars in the sky.

It might sound a bit odd to think that until last week it was illegal to have a bowl of Kim-chi while gazing at the passing cars or twirl a fork full of spaghetti marinara under the stars above, but somehow it has taken this long for the wise city council members in Garden Grove to allow outdoor dining.

Free at last, free at last, thank Janet Nguyen, we are free at last.

Garden Grove Councilwoman Nguyen was kind enough to send a press release on the subject. She says, "What we are doing is continuing to make Garden Grove a business friendly city and eliminate unnecessary red tape when doing business with city hall."


Nguyen the first woman in over 30 years on the Garden Grove City Council has a good shot at being Orange County’s next supervisor (should Sup. Correa best Daucher in the 34th Senate). I can only hope Janet will bring the same kind of ideas to county government.

Outdoor seating ordinances is exactly… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Giuliani stumps for CA conservatives – McClintock makes calls – More…

GIULIANI CAMPAIGNS FOR CONSERVATIVES When Steve Schmidt, campaign manager for Arnold Schwarzenegger, says he is going to help the down-ticket GOP candidates, he doesn’t mess around. He picked up the phone and called his good buddy, former New York Mayor Rudy Giulini. Fast forward a few weeks later at Schmidt has Giuliani out here in the Golden State, not campaigning for Arnold Schwarzenegger, but rather headlining a major Orange County fundraiser for three of the GOP’s statewide candidates, Tom McClintock, Chuck Poochigian and Tony Strickland (is it any coincidence that the ersatz Presidential candidate happens to be helping out the three most conservative candidates on the ticket?). Above to the right, Strickland greets Giuliani while Tom McClintock looks on. The event was held at the post Center Club located within the Orange County… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Giuliani stumps for CA conservatives – McClintock makes calls – More…

GIULIANI CAMPAIGNS FOR CONSERVATIVES When Steve Schmidt, campaign manager for Arnold Schwarzenegger, says he is going to help the down-ticket GOP candidates, he doesn’t mess around. He picked up the phone and called his good buddy, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Fast forward a few weeks later at Schmidt has Giuliani out here in the Golden State, not campaigning for Arnold Schwarzenegger, but rather headlining a major Orange County fundraiser for three of the GOP’s statewide candidates, Tom McClintock, Chuck Poochigian and Tony Strickland (is it any coincidence that the ersatz Presidential candidate happens to be helping out the three most conservative candidates on the ticket?). Above to the right, Strickland greets Giuliani while Tom McClintock looks on. The event was held at the post Center Club located within the Orange County… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor – Campaigning for the bonds in the final month is a dumb idea…

I have noticed that the Governor’s campaign polling numbers have been up while he has been silent on this lidicrous "big bonds" debacle on the November ballot, where the Republican Governor and Democrat leaders want the max out the ‘credit card’ of Californians to the tune of over $40 billion — when the tragic reality is that taxpayers already pay more than enough in taxes (this year well over $100 billion) to be able to afford infrastructure investment with current dollars.

Ace San Francisco Chronicle reporter Carla Marinucci today is blogging that come the beginning of October, the Governor is going to be heating up his bi-partisan campaign for the bonds, out campaigning with Democrats Don Perata and Fabian Nunez.

This is the dumbest idea ever.

Obviously I have made it clear as to why this is a poor public policy choice, and clearly the Governor disagrees.

Put politically is is a REALLY… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Angelides’ Dukakis Moment

Every flailing political campaign has a defining moment. Michael Dukakis had his death penalty question during a debate. Howard Dean had his "Yeeaaaahhh!"

And now Phil Angelides has his fainting school girl.

This is completely symbolic of the Angelides campaign: On a day that was supposed to provide a big boost for Angelides, when Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa finally swallowed the bitter pill and endorsed the Democrat candidate for Governor, Phil Angelides got caught like a deer in the headlights and was upstaged by both Villaraigosa and San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom.

There were dozens of school kids who were pulled out of class and made to participate in the partisan political event by standing behind Angelides in camera-shot. And while he was speaking, one of the girls apparently fainted.

As television cameras rolled, Angelides stopped his speech and stood there dumbstruck while the two mayors and 2010 Democratic… Read More