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Jon Fleischman


Over the next month, the Governor will be looking at literally hundreds of pieces of legislation that have been placed onto his desk. You can be sure, because of the partisan makeup of the legislature (Democrat majorities in both Houses) that none of the legislation achieves lofty goal of reducing the size and scope of state government. On the contrary, the overwhelming amount of legislation on Schwarzenegger’s desk takes away a lot or a little of the liberty and freedom of Californians — whether because it contains a tax or a fee, or because it creates a new government entity, or restricts by fiat the rights of individuals in the Golden State to exercise their own judgment.

As readers of this website know, this year’s FlashReport Legislative Golden Trash Can Award went to Assembly Bill 523, which, if signed, will allow the Trustees of the Coast Community College… Read More

Don’t squeeze the Shaman

In my continuing series on ballot designations, today I bring you the best one of all time. I will defend this one against anything you can put up against it…


Yes Juan Pablo Serrano-Nieblas a perennial candidate for mayor or Orange uses Shaman as his ballot designation.

According to a Shaman is: a person who acts as intermediary between the natural and supernatural worlds, using magic to cure illness, foretell the future, control spiritual forces, etc.

I am solidly in the camp of Carolyn Cavecche (current council member in Orange who is running for mayor) but the good people of Orange might want to hedge their bets a bit and throw a bone to Mr. Serrrano-Nieblas. After all, do you really think he would run if he didn’t already use his magical powers to to fortell the future and see that he was goiong to win?… Read More

Why collectivism fails every time.

This is a tale of two families who’s air conditioner broke during the dead heat of this summer.

One family was mine, my mother and father who live in Aliso Viejo here in Orange County. They are an active couple dad in his late 70s and mom, well lets just say somewhat younger.

The other family, the Frank Mickadeit’s of Codo de Caza the ritzy gated community in south Orange County.

The… Read More

Harry Sidhu has it right.

Anaheim Councilman Harry Sidhu is a smart man. He does not gamble and he is not an advocate of having a casino in Anahiem (something I would very much appreciate).

But Sidhu is realistic enough to know that someday it might be the right public policy to let one open up that is why he opposes efforts in his city to hamstring future councils from considering gambling establishments as an option…… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Schwarzenegger Is Pushing This Republican Into The Undecided Column

I don’t recall even being in a situation where the closer Election Day gets, the less likely I am to vote for the GOP nominee.

Yet, that is where I find myself vis-a-vis Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I’m one of many conservatives who voted for Arnold in the recall, despite my preference for Tom McClintock. I found the prospect of Cruz Bustamante in the governor’s office horrifying and wasn’t convinced McClintock could win. The stakes so too high I though it prudent to back the Republican with the best chance of winning, and so I cast my vote for Arnold. Like other conservatives, I comforted myself with the rumor we’d heard for years that Arnold was really a libertarian. So, although he was squishy on the social issues, at least he’d be hard core on taxes, spending and freedom issues. After all, he was a Milton Friedman fan!

But ever since the Governor’s nauseating policy of apologizing for the special election of 2005, it’s been steadily more difficult to assembly a conservative Republican rationale for supporting his re-election.

He’s signed a non-aggression pact with the government employee… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Today’s Commentary: Schwarzenegger Is Pushing This Republican Into The Undecided Column

I don’t recall evenr being in a situation where the closer Election Day gets, the less likely I am to vote for the GOP nominee.

Yet, that is where I find myself vis-a-vis Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I’m one of many conservatives who voted for Arnold in the recall despite my preference for Tom McClintock. I found the prospect of Cruz Bustamante in the governor’s office horrifying and wasn’t convinced McClintock could win. The stakes so too high I though it prudent to back the Republican with the best chance of winning, and so I cast my vote for Arnold. Like other conservatives, I comforted myself with the rumor we’d heard for years that Arnold was really a libertarian. So, although he was squishy on the social issues, at least he’d be hard core on taxes, spending and freedom issues. After all, he was a Milton Friedman fan!

**There is more – click the link**

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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

A Minimum Wage Primer

Even if the Governor’s team had seen this, there is no doubt they would have still signed the minimum wage bill. For a lazy weekend read, click here.

Mike… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Schwarzenegger Gives Up

In catching up with some reading, I found this recent op- ed in the Wall Street Journal. I note that no rebuttal has been submitted by the Governor’s campaign.

Read the Op Ed here.… Read More