Governor, How About a Little Love for Your Fellow GOP Candidates?
There are just less than 8 weeks to go before Election Day. While the Governor has a comfortable lead in his race and is raising money hand over fist, the down-ticket GOP candidates aren’t exactly in the same boat. They could all benefit from a little “love”—money and attention—from the governor.
But who was getting the governor’s “love” today? Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown, GOP Senator Chuck Poochigian’s opponent in the race for Attorney General. Brown was invited to attend an event at the Capitol today with Maria Shriver and Henry Renteria, director of the governor’s Office of Emergency Services, to mark the 30th anniversary of the creation of the California Conservation Corps.
Now, I’m sure that the governor’s folks will defend the event as “non-political.” But that argument would either be naïve or disingenuous.… Read More