Arnold should lead West Coast Governors in support of Pombo’s DOER Bill
Today Governor Schwarzenegger issued a joint announcement of an "Agreement on Ocean Health" with the Democratic Governors of Washington and Oregon — Governor Ted Kulongoski and Governor Chris Gregoire (lefty Gregoire won office in 2004 by 129 votes statewide over GOPer Dino Rossi).
Because of the featured column today from Congressman Richard Pombo on his DOER Act, I wanted to bring attention to one clause in this agreement that Schwarzenegger signed with these two liberal Governors: Send a joint message to the President and Congress reinforcing our opposition to oil and gas leasing, exploration, and development off our coasts. In light of the fact that the DOER legislation proposed by Congress would take California (and Oregon and Washington) out of the business of lobbying President and the Congress on this issue, and instead place the issue under the control of each state, why… Read More