Today’s Commentary: Bond Proposals are Flawed – Kerry stumped for Phil? No one noticed.
NEED MORE REASONS TO REJECT THE BONDS? You will hear plenty between now and election day about why it is important for Californians to REJECT efforts by the Governor, liberals in the legislature, and special interest groups to get voters to approve tens of billions of dollars of bonded indebtedness. We have already talked plenty here in this site about the big-picture, and the idea that by approving this borrowing, we are letting the Governor and the Legislature off of the hook. Right now, California taxpayers are sending a record amount of funds to Sacramento — the most recent state budget was well in excess of $100 billion! There is more than enough money going into the coffers of state government to pay for a significant infrastructure investment program on a pay-as-you-go basis. But sometimes the devil is in the details, too. That is why I would like to encourage all FlashReport readers who see this in time to participate in a virtual press conference taking place today, from 10:30am – 11am. At this press event,… Read More