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Congressman John Campbell

Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Rangel

Today, we got another startling glimpse of what the “Speaker Pelosi” (scary isn’t it) and the Democratic Agenda would look like if they took over Congress. The latest revelation came from Charlie Rangel (D-NY), the ranking member of the Ways and Means Committee and the would be Democratic chairman. Congress Daily PM highlighted some of his remarks at a press conference today, “Asked whether tax increases across the income spectrum would be considered, [Rangel] replied, ‘No question about it.’" This is on the heels of remarks he made last week in another article published in Bloomberg News, “Rangel’s accession to the chairmanship of the committee would likely end six years of tax cuts by the Republican- controlled Congress. He said he ‘cannot think of one’ of President George W. Bush’s first-term tax cuts that merit renewal.” The millions of Americans are benefiting from tax relief that has lowered marginal tax rates, reduced taxes on capitol gains and dividends, created the largest ever child tax credit, and reduced the death tax among others. These tax … Read More

Duane Dichiara

The Bet

I usually don’t read Bill Bradley, and frankly neither of us could pick each other out of a line-up. Up until the last 10 minutes or so, I had no idea what his background was.

But I happened to check in on and noticed Bradley’s comments about the decline of partisan registration and partisanship in general. In short, he states the real fact that Decline to State Voters have increased in number, and then attributes to them a series of ideological beliefs.

Here is the problem: it’s actually much, much more complicated than that.

Here’s what I’ve gathered from my polling and voter identification of DTS and American Independent voters (they don’t think George Wallace… they think they are ‘independent voters’): there are distinct subgroups you can’t ‘average’ together unless you want to screw up voter contact.

In short, and I’m looking at data (both polling and voter ID and this is average) from 5 Assembly Districts, a Congressional District, and several cities, about 1/3 of this Independent bloc are closet Republicans who pretty much vote the ticket.… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Rangel

Today, we got another startling glimpse of what the “Speaker Pelosi” (scary isn’t it) and the Democratic agenda would look like if they took over Congress. The latest revelation came from Charlie Rangel (D-NY), the ranking member of the Ways and Means Committee and the would be Democratic chairman. Congress Daily PM highlighted some of his remarks at a press conference today, “Asked whether tax increases across the income spectrum would be considered, [Rangel] replied, ‘No question about it.’" This is on the heels of remarks he made last week in another article published in Bloomberg News, “Rangel’s accession to the chairmanship of the committee would likely end six years of tax cuts by the Republican- controlled Congress. He said he ‘cannot think of one’ of President George W. Bush’s first-term tax cuts that merit renewal.”

The millions of Americans are benefiting from tax relief that has lowered marginal tax rates, reduced taxes on capitol gains and dividends, created the largest ever child tax credit, and reduced the death tax among others. These tax… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Angelides is the worst candidate ever… Even Bozo would be better!

I feel really bad for every partisan Democratic activist in California.

I can only imagine that they must all be moping right now. When they aren’t complaining about how much they hate George Bush, they must be spending all of their time bemoaning the fact that their nominee for Governor has to be the worst candidate ever in the history of the Golden State. As a matter of fact, and I really do mean this with all sincerity, if the Democrats had Bozo the Clown as their nominee, they really couldn’t be any worse off than they are now. As a matter of fact, they would be better off. Because while neither Phil Angelides nor Bozo the Clown have any real clue on how to run for, let alone competently occupy the job of Governor — at least Bozo the Clown is funny. Watching Phil Angelides campaign since the primary has actually … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Angelides is the worst candidate ever… Even Bozo would be better!

I feel really bad for every partisan Democratic activist in California.

I can only imagine that they must all be moping right now. When they aren’t complaining about how much they hate George Bush, they must be spending all of their time bemoaning the fact that their nominee for Governor has to be the worst candidate ever in the history of the Golden State. As a matter of fact, and I really do mean this with all sincerity, if the Democrats had Bozo the Clown as their nominee, they really couldn’t be any worse off than they are now. As a matter of fact, they would be better off. Because while neither Phil Angelides nor Bozo the Clown have any real clue on how to run for, let alone competently occupy the job of Governor — at least Bozo the Clown is funny. Watching Phil Angelides campaign since the primary has actually … Read More

Barry Jantz

Illegal Apologists, Minutemen Clash Over National City Sanctuary

Yesterday’s FR included a link to the SDUT story about Saturday’s rally in National City on sanctuary. Apparently, more than a confrontation than a rally. Mayor Nick Inzunza, purveyor of ignoring illegal immigrants in "his" city, wasn’t even on hand, it was reported.

If Mayor Nick’s goal was to garner some nice news coverage for the city, he achieved it. If his agenda is to get the Chargers to drop a potential National City stadium deal like a greased football, he is doing an outstanding job in that department as well.

I ask again, you think anyone was checking IDs during the event? Ha.

Here is a link tothe KFMB-TV "coverage," as well as video footage.

As I wrote yesterday, Inzunza probably didn’t see his crazy proposal as an election issue, but… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Yes, support Arnold. But also reject the spending proposals, higher taxes and big bonds, this November!

[Republican groups and organizations are encouraged to cut and paste this commentary into an e-mail and send it to their members, link to it on their websites, or place this column in their newsletters.] Since thousands of volunteers who support the re-election of the Governor read this page every day, this seems like a good time to start to have a dialogue about that will happen in Sacramento when Arnold is re-elected by the voters! Given his very wide lead at the moment, and how his opponent Phil Angelides can’t seem to put it together, I think that everyone who prefers to see Governor Schwarzenegger in January and not Governor Angelides can start to look at the rest of the picture — what kind of environment will Arnold Schwarzenegger be operating in when he returns? (This is not an opportuntiy to slack in your hard work, by the way, but rather an invitation to start to think about the bigger picture). For core Republican voters, I would submit that besides whom we elect Governor, there… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego…Hell’s Bells

The Big Story… There was a ton of political news coverage in San Diego last week. I’ll get to some of that in a minute.

Because, politics or not, there was certainly no bigger story in San Diego than at week’s end, last night on a change-up induced strike-out, placing the Padres’ Trevor Hoffman in a first place tie with Lee Smith for all-time Major League Baseball saves at a whopping 478. The fact that Trevor reached the mark while leading the NL in ’06 saves at nearly 39 years of age, all during a home-stretch pennant race with the hated Dodgers, is simply icing on the… Read More