What is Bill Lockyer Thinking?
As a person who worked in the automobile business almost all of my adult life, I can’t help but react to Bill Lockyer’s latest high jinks. His lawsuit against the automobile manufactures is one of the most ridiculous abuses of an official office for political gain in an election year that I have ever seen. This suit is completely without merit or precedent, and it is clear that he has only taken this action generate publicity.
Here are few questions I would like Mr. Lockyer to answer regarding how illogical this lawsuit is:
•If the auto industry has caused economic damages to the state of California because of global warming, then what are they and how did he determine the amount he is suing for? •If you can sue the auto companies because they are contributing to global warming, why not sue every company on earth that might be contributing to global warming? •Why not sue every consumer who has ever driven a car in the state of California? •Isn’t this the wrong time to making unsubstantiated attacks against American companies that are going through difficult times… Read More