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Jon Fleischman

Veto of Cedillo’s D/L for Criminal Alien Bill Deserves A Press Rollout, Not a Blackout.

The public relations armada behind the Governor is very impressive. When he wants the world to know he is doing something, there are media events, e-mails and faxes out that kazoo, conference calls with reporters, and the spin team is out in force. You know when a PR blitz is taking place with Arnold Schwarzenegger. As a matter of fact, it happens almost every day.

I can tell you that I have I have rolled my eyes on many occasions lately, because it seems that in so many cases, when Arnold lurches to the middle (over over-shoots and just plain moves over to the left) on an issue, they make a huge deal out of it. The ‘production value’ on his signing of the wage mandate on employers was bettered even more by his recent greenhouse gas abatement tour of California, signing bills on Treasure Island (with British PM Tony Blair on hand via satellite) and down in LA, in coastal Malibu.

Then when the Governor happens to do some good things that conservatives like me would like, it often times takes place with a whisper.

I am sure that there is a lot of ‘targeting’ going on in terms of the audience to which the Governor is trying… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Veto of Cedillo’s D/L for Criminal Alien Bill Deserves A Press Rollout, Not a Blackout.

The public relations armada behind the Governor is very impressive. When he wants the world to know he is doing something, there are media events, e-mails and faxes out that kazoo, conference calls with reporters, and the spin team is out in force. You know when a PR blitz is taking place with Arnold Schwarzenegger. As a matter of fact, it happens almost every day.

I can tell you that I have I have rolled my eyes on many occasions lately, because it seems that in so many cases, when Arnold lurches to the middle (over over-shoots and just plain moves over to the left) on an issue, they make a huge deal out of it. The ‘production value’ on his signing of the wage mandate on employers was bettered even more by his recent greenhouse gas abatement tour of California, signing bills on Treasure Island (with British PM Tony Blair on hand via satellite) and down in LA, in coastal Malibu.

Then when the Governor happens to do some good things that conservatives like me would like, it often times takes place with a whisper.

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Jon Fleischman

Price Controls get Live Webcast – Veto of Cedillo Bill gets… ???

I guess this goes to the point of my Commentary today. Where was the webcast of the veto on the Cedillo D/L for Criminal Aliens bill? ————– From an email I just received:

Live Webcast Today

Governor Schwarzenegger to Sign Prescription Drug Billl at 9:15am

Gov. Schwarzenegger will sign AB 2911 by Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez and Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata, which will provide meaningful prescription drug discounts of up to 40 to 60 % for millions of uninsured Californians.

Watch the live webcast at 9:15am at… Read More

Mike Spence

The Antelope Valley tells Arnold: Veto AB 606 and AB 1056

With the deadline for the signing bills approaching, 40 leaders in Los Angeles’ Antelope Valley held a press conference telling the Governor to veto AB 606 and AB 1056. Both these bills are sponsored by Equality California. Hats off to teacher Scot Sutherland in organizing the event, which featured Assemblywoman Sharon Runner. See the article here.Read More

Mike Spence

Governor vetoes AB 606 and AB 1056

I guess the Governor is listening to the Antelope Valley. See here. He vetoed these two high profile bills sponsored by the Gay Lobby for California’s schools. See complete list here.Read More

Mike Spence

Governor vetoes licenses for illegals

The Governor also vetoed SB 1162 Licenses for illegals. See the veto message in Spanish here.The Governor has still not vetoed college grants for illegals SB 160. See alert here.Read More

One and a Half Paper Town

Ask any Orange County political insider or elected official what reporter they talk to at the LA Times and they will shrug and say no one. It is painfully clear that the LA Times has abandoned any hope of having a viable Orange County operation. They canceled their Orange County section years ago and rarely print oped submissions regarding OC public policy.

I did a poll in the city of Garden Grove a couple years back that showed the LA Times was the fourth most popular local news source among resident after the OC Register, the local Garden Grove Journal, and even the local Channel 3. The rest of Orange County would probably show similar results.

The Times’ last respected OC-based journalist left several months ago. Jean Pasco was the dean of the OC press corps when she packed it in to join the staff of the Orange County Clerk-Recorder.

The LA Times is so out of touch with Orange County that controversy surrounding the paper itself is about the only thing that gets them any attention.

Both the OC Sheriff and District Attorney’s offices and have had black-out policies on and off with the Times and specific reporters for years. I… Read More

Today’s Commentary: One and a Half Paper Town

Ask any Orange County political insider or elected official what reporter they talk to at the LA Times and they will shrug and say no one. It is painfully clear that the LA Times has abandoned any hope of having a viable Orange County operation. They canceled their Orange County section years ago and rarely print oped submissions regarding OC public policy.

I did a poll in the city of Garden Grove a couple years back that showed the LA Times was the fourth most popular local news source among resident after the OC Register, the local Garden Grove Journal, and even the local Channel 3. The rest of Orange County would probably show similar results.

The Times’ last respected OC-based journalist left several months ago. Jean Pasco was the dean of the OC press corps when she packed it in to join the staff of the Orange County Clerk-Recorder.

**There is more – click the link**

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