Radanovich/Feinstein, continued…
Earlier today I posted about Congressman George Radanovich’s re-election efforts — specifically expressing my dismay that the Representative prominently features Dianne Feinstein in it. It chafes me because I believe that this kind of thing cements into the minds of voters the untrue myth that somehow Dianne Feinstein is some sort of centrist/moderate/realistic Democrat. On the contrary, she is a flaming left wing liberal — who happens to have a good bedside manner (unlike the other California Senator, Barbara Boxer, who is better characterized as ‘strident’ or even ‘schrill’).
The piece that has caused the controversy is attached below. Unfortunately, upon seeing it, it actually goes DIRECTLY to my point. This mail piece actually goes out the way to make it appear that Dianne Feinstein is a moderate or even conservative Democrat, one who would work with George Radanovich. Unlike the other Democrats on the piece, who are pretty much just as liberal as Feinstein, but are from the "shrill" camp.
Now, to be fair, this mailer went to a universe that only included… Read More